See what the boring company of Elon Musk does with this Xbox controller


After watching Elon Musk burn a doobie in a recent podcast show, many people had a moment "ahh, I'm geddit now" as they suddenly realized how some of the slightly wacky proposals of the billionaire entrepreneur could be.

A few days after Musk's brief encounter with the green goddess, a video (below) appeared on Boring Company's Twitter feed. One of his digging machines was apparently operated by an Xbox controller. The tweet includes the caption "Best Video Game of All Time", though avid gamers can say a word or two.

We have no idea if it was Musk himself at the controls – there was certainly no thick smoke puffs in front of the camera during the demonstration. But since he's the company's CEO and familiar with Musk's penchant for extravagant projects, it's quite possible that the idea of ​​connecting an Xbox controller to a giant digging machine comes from the same lips that have emerged. recently Joe Rogan's podcast.

It is unclear whether the facility is an experiment to test the viability of a new search method, or a publicity stunt to help spread the message of Boring Company's mission. A cascade like the boring company's caps or the idea of ​​the flamethrower, or that of Musk that rocks excavated by boring company machines could be used to build life-size replicas of ancient Egyptian monuments. Is the demonstration even real? You are the judge.

The boring company plan

For the uninitiated, the Boring Company is, like Tesla and SpaceX, another of the big companies of Musk. This one has the ambition to build a vast network of tunnels under cities cluttered with cars in order to reduce traffic jams. The idea is to use powerful digging machines that can drill at speeds much faster than conventional boring machines, which should significantly reduce the cost of these projects.

Vehicles would be transported in tunnels on electric tracked sleds at speeds of up to 150 mph. An elevator-type system would lower a vehicle, and people inside, from street to sled, while cyclists and pedestrians would use other specially designed pods. Once in motion, the sledges are transferred from the side tunnels to the main tunnel, so that all the sled of the main artery are constantly moving, thus ensuring maximum efficiency. "It's a big difference from the subways that stop at every stop, whether you get out or not," said Musk.

The company has already created a test tunnel under SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne, California, and plans tunnel projects in Chicago and the East Coast. His latest proposal suggests a short route between the Lose Angeles Dodger Stadium and other modes of transportation, a project that, if accepted, could serve as a test bed for his broader vision of a vast network of tunnels.

Musk first mentioned his futuristic plan in 2016 when he was stuck in his car on a blocked highway. "The traffic drives me crazy," he tweeted in December 2016. "I'm going to build a tunnel boring machine and start digging …" There was no mention of Xbox controllers.

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