Seminole Tribe of Florida: Cesar Sayoc is not a member


Cesar Sayoc

Cesar Altieri Sayoc was arrested on October 26, 2018 after being accused of sending more than a dozen homemade bombs to prestigious targets. The targeted victims were former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, former CIA Director John Brennan and CNN Headquarters in New York. Fortunately, none of the bombs exploded. The investigators caught up with Sayoc in Plantation, Florida.

Sayoc denied any responsibility and then refused to answer questions without the presence of a lawyer. He risks nearly 50 years behind bars when he is convicted of five federal offenses. You can read more about the investigation and the arrest of Sayoc here.

After his arrest, more details appeared on Sayoc's past and political tendencies. His social media accounts revealed that Sayoc had a particular affinity for writing threatening messages to people with opposing points of view. In some of these positions, he woven the notion that he was part of the Seminole nation.

A spokesman for the Florida Seminole tribe made it clear that it was impossible to say that Cesar Sayoc was a member or employee of the tribe.

A spokesman for the Florida Seminole tribe, Gary Bitner, issued a statement following the arrest of Cesar Sayoc on October 26. Bitner reported that Sayoc had several variants of his name, but none of them belonged to the Seminole nation. He acknowledged that it was possible that Sayoc might have been associated with a supplier company that dealt with the Seminoles, but there was no link.

"We can find no evidence that Cesar Altieri, Caesar Altieri, Caesar Altieri Sayoc, Caesar Altieri Randazzo (Facebook) or Julus Cesar Milan (Twitter) was or was a member or employee of the Florida Seminole tribe, or was or was an employee. Seminole Gaming or Hard Rock International. At the moment, we can not verify if he is or was an employee of a supplier company. "

The Florida Seminole tribe has more than 4,000 members in their community, according to Forbes. On its website, the tribe states that it was the "only tribe in America to never have signed a peace treaty."

The Seminoles first avoided moving because Florida was controlled by Spain. But the US government continued to expand further south and Spain ceded the territory in 1821. The United States attempted to overtake the Seminoles without ever achieving complete victory. In 1842, as the Seminoles explain in the History section of the official website, the United States spent more than $ 20 million on their military efforts against the Southern tribe and lost more than 1,500 soldiers. President John Tyler has stopped military action despite the absence of a peace treaty. The Seminoles survived until the 20th century by living from the land in the swamps.

Congress passed the Indian Reorganization Act in 1934. It recognized the right of Native American tribes to govern themselves. In 1957, the Seminoles wrote a constitution. They put in place a two-tier government: the tribal council and the board of directors. Each reserve had elected officials. Also in 1957, Congress officially recognized the Florida Seminole tribe.

Sayoc mentioned as part of the "undefeated Seminole tribe" at several posts

Cesar Sayoc's social profiles were suspended after his arrest. But screenshots were saved and shared online before the accounts were deleted. In several articles, Sayoc mentioned that he was part of the "Seminole Unconquered Tribe".

For example, on October 24, he tweeted a message for TMZ. The message was about why he thought Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum should not become Florida's next governor. He wrote in part: "We, the undefeated Seminoles, the Tribe, the entire Hard Rock, millions of our customs say absolutely NO to Andrew Gillum can not run his own city. Tallahassee, County of Fl Leon the largest crime ever committed until 4 years, or 70.60% in the state of Fla.Gillum. plan impose on all companies 40%, which stop business. Under FBI investigation. "

A few weeks earlier, Sayoc had launched a threat against producer Ron Howard. "Hey slime sack you movie and u marionette suck.U like doing threat threat bitch Beverly Hills.We Tribole Seminole Unconquered are going to answer your pathetic dreadful threats.We have the aerial tour of our Swamp Everglades.Book your loved ones very close every Once you leave your home See you soon, silence.

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