Senate Democrats Support Christine Blasey Ford's Request for an FBI Investigation


A number of Senate Democrats came on Tuesday to support Christine Blasey Ford's request to investigate her sexual assault charge against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh prior to her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The psychology professor from Northern California, who professionally passes by Christine Blasey, alleges that Kavanaugh assaulted her at a party while they were teenagers more than 35 years ago. The chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), had scheduled Monday for Blasey and Kavanaugh to testify before the committee. Blasey said Tuesday through his lawyers that an FBI investigation should be "the first step" before being "broadcast on national television to relive this traumatic and heartbreaking incident."

A number of Democrats have expressed support for Blasey's request for an impartial investigation by the FBI into these allegations before bringing him before the committee. Meaning. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) And Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Both members of the Judiciary Committee, have posted statements on Twitter behind Kavanaugh's accuser.

"I support Dr. Blasey Ford's request for an FBI background investigation before a hearing," said Harris written on Twitter. "She should not be forced to participate in a biased process and we should not rush before the facts are collected."

Feinstein, who had kept Blasey's private claims since July at his request, released a series of tweets calling for the hasty process "reminiscent of Anita Hill's treatment," in reference to law professor Clarence Thomas, accused of harassment sexual. during his audition in 1991.

"We should honor Dr. Blasey Ford's wishes and delay this hearing," said Feinstein. written on Twitter. "An appropriate investigation must be completed, the witnesses interviewed, the evidence reviewed and all parties interviewed. It is only at this time that the President should set a date for an audience. The decision to come forward or not to appear has always been that of Christine Blasey Ford, and that includes her participation in a hearing. "

Leader of the Senate Minority Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) issued a statement on Tuesday stating that an investigation was a "precedent" and "clearly the right thing to do".

"Dr. Ford's appeal to the FBI to investigate also demonstrates its confidence that when all the facts are examined by an impartial investigation, its account will be corroborated and confirmed, "said Schumer's statement. "Senate Republicans and the White House should abandon their inexplicable opposition to an FBI investigation, allow all facts to come forward, and then proceed to a fair process in the Senate."

Blasey accused Kavanaugh of stuck her in a bed, forcing herself on her and trying to take off her clothes at a high school party in the 1980s. Kavanaugh denied the allegations. She also testified that the only witness to the event was Kavanaugh's friend, Mark Judge.

The judge, now a filmmaker, wrote a memoir about how he spent his high school years "completely annihilated" on alcohol and tried to "connect" with the girls. He said on Tuesday that he refused to speak publicly about it, writing in a statement to Grassley and Feinstein that he had no recollection of the alleged incident.

The Republicans are striving to maintain Kavanaugh's confirmation ahead of the November mid-term elections, in case the GOP loses its slim 51-seat majority in the Senate. The party has already failed by postponing Thursday the decision to recommend to Kavanaugh a full Senate hearing after the leading Republicans said they would feel uncomfortable without Blasey's testimony.

Several other Democrats spoke on Tuesday in favor of an investigation by the FBI.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also expressed support for an FBI investigation before Blasey was called to testify. In an interview with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC on Tuesday, the former presidential candidate said "Should be a regular procedure for everyone involved."

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