Senator Jeff Flake Called a "Hero" at the Global Citizen Festival


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Senator Jeff Flake was greeted on Saturday by Justice Committee colleague Senator Jeff Coons at the Global Citizen Festival in Central Park, New York.

Flake spoke at the festival, an MSNBC-televised music event that highlights education, poverty and preventable diseases, and praised young people who actively participate in politics.

"So do not hesitate to join me in an elevator anytime," he said.

He was referring to a meeting in a Friday elevator with a survivor of sexual assault who scolded him for his decision to recommend Brett Kavanaugh to the Senate for confirmation at the US Supreme Court.

"Do not turn away from me!" the woman, later identified as 39-year-old Ana Maria Archila, told the Republican of Arizona. "Look at me and tell me that no matter what happened, that you will let people like that enter the highest court in the country."

After the showdown, Flake met with Democrats on the committee, including Coons, and said he would request an additional one week background check regarding allegations against Kavanaugh, claiming which would have been accepted by the White House.

The background check will focus on the complaint of Christine Blasey Ford, who said Thursday that she claimed that Kavanaugh was about to try to rape her while both were teenagers in Maryland. Kavanaugh, a judge of the US Court of Appeals, firmly rejected this allegation.

Coons, speaking during the festival to Chris Hayes of MSNBC, said, "First, Jeff Flake is the true hero of what happened."

"He just needed to be reassured to listen to his own conscience and acknowledge the very real doubts he had at the end of Dr. Ford's testimony – and that many other colleagues had – deserved to take a break and make an inquiry, "said Coons.

Earlier, while both men were on stage, Coons said, "We are here for gender equality."

Flake responded by referring to the crowd: "And you too".

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