A man is confronting Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao in Havana Rumba, Louisville, Kentucky. (The video does not sound) Oct 19, 2018
Video provided by Kohl Dodd, Louisville Courier Journal

Majority Major Mitch McConnell was confronted Friday by customers at a Cuban restaurant in Louisville.

In one Video obtained by TMZ, the Kentucky Republican and his wife, Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation, were dining in Havana Rumba when four men began screaming after the senator.

"Why do not you leave here?", One hears one of the men screaming after McConnell, while other guests have told him to leave the senator alone. "Why do not you leave the whole country?"

The woman who recorded the video told TMZ that the problem was related to McConnell's position on social security and health care. The senator has recently suggested that such programs were responsible for the increase in the US deficit, which rose to $ 779 billion.

"It's very disturbing and motivated by the three very popular insurance programs: Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid," McConnell said in an interview with Bloomberg.

In addition to shouting to the senator, the main perpetrator allegedly "slammed his fists on McConnell's table, grabbed his protective bag and threw the food at the restaurant door," the woman told TMZ.

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McConnell and Chao left the restaurant after an apparent dispute, the senator thanking his supporters for leaving, said TMZ.

The incident comes just weeks after protesters objected to McConnell at an airport for making the decision to appoint Brett Kavanaugh, a Supreme Court candidate, amid allegations of aggression sexual abuse during the high school and college years of the judge.

More: McConnell "will not be intimidated" after protests against Kavanaugh's vote

In the video of the airport, three activists shouted after McConnell crossed the terminal, then took an escalator to join his motorcade.

Later, he told the Senate that Republican views would not be influenced by protests like those at the Louisville airport or restaurant on Friday.

"I want to clearly inform people who are pursuing my members in the hallway here, or harassing them at airports, or going home," McConnell told the Senate at the time. "We will not be intimidated by these people."

Related: Senator Ted Cruz chased from Washington restaurant by anti-Kavanaugh protesters

Also: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, spokesperson for Trump, left the Virginia restaurant by its owner

Thomas Novelly, journalist at Louisville Courier-Journal.

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