Senator Ted Cruz of Texas Heckled at Restaurant About Kavanaugh Controversy


WASHINGTON, DC – According to a pair of videos posted online, a group of opponents to the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh by the US Supreme Court has harassed US Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, at a local restaurant. Washington Monday night.

"I'd love to talk to you about Brett Kavanugh tonight," said a woman. in a video posted on the Twitter account "Smash Racism DC."

"I am a voter and I love to know what your vote will be tonight," she added. "I know you're very close friends of Mr. Kavanaugh … Do you believe any survivors, sir?"

The exchange took place amid a busy day in the nation's capital, as Republican leaders continued to press for confirmation of Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh's prospects have been the focus of lethal attacks over the past 10 days, after California professor Christine Blasey Ford accused him of having sexually assaulted her while both of them were teenagers from suburban Washington.

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In this video and another displayed simultaneouslyprotesters surround the senator and his wife, Heidi Cruz, singing "We believe the survivors!"

At one point, the woman told Cruz "I have the right to know what your position is on Brett Kavanaugh."

Cruz replied, "God bless you, ma'am."

Since the first allegations against Kavanaugh exploded more than a week ago, Cruz carefully measured his words and let other senators, including senior Senator John Cornyn, take the lead in advancing Kavanaugh. Cruz is in tight re-election campaign against US representative Beto O. Rourke, D-El Paso.

A spokesman for Cruz declined to comment late Monday night.

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