Senator Ted Cruz seeks funding for campaign with questionable letters "Summons Enclosed"


On Monday night's show, CNN's Anderson Cooper told viewers that he was generally unaware of conspiracy theorists, but that he was not going to let a "silly" tweet circulate explanations without explanation.

Sunday, Donald Trump Jr. tweeted A photo of Cooper in the waters, with the caption: "It's a pity that CNN's ratings are down 41 percent." Worse, there's a simple solution that they refuse to pay. Stop lying to make it look bad "Other Twitter users circulated the photo, incorrectly claiming that she was showing Cooper on her knees to make the water look deeper. It was stupid for a variety of reasons, including the fact that the photo dated September 2008, when Cooper was covering Hurricane Ike in Texas.

Cooper stated that he had been covering hurricanes for 14 years and that "makes me really sad to think that someone might think that I would try to simulate something or dramatize a type of disaster." ". He then played several clips proving that he was in deep water and explained that he was at the heart of things to show people how dangerous it was to get out into the water and stay away from the roads. . "The idea that I'm kneeling in the water to make it look deep is downright silly," he said.

As if that was not enough evidence, Cooper noted that one of his crew included in the picture, Doug Thomas, veteran CNN audio technician, died a year ago this month . "We miss him every day," Cooper said. Watch the video below. Catherine Garcia

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