Senators warn Trump that Saudi relationship is on the line


Senators are making clear that key aspects of the U.S.-Saudi relationship are on the line as they ramp up on the royal family President TrumpTrumpTrump Donald TrumpTrump Trusts TreachTrumpTrump over the disappearance of U.S.-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Top Republican senators are hopeful the trump will be sent to the United States.

But some lawmakers are going a step further on a possible clampdown on the military-to-military relationship that would include nixing arms sales and withdrawing support for the Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen's civil war.

"I think the burden of proof is now that they are not involved in killing or kidnapping Mr. Khashoggi," said Sen. Tim KaineTimothy (Tim) Michael KaineVirginia police release monitoring video from Jewish center vandalized with swastikas Police investigating DC-area Jewish center vandalized with 19 swastikas Kaine: FBI's Kavanaugh investigation 'a complete sham' MORE (D-Va.), A member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. "The burden of proof is on them. They got to show it, and if they do not show it, I think it will fundamentally change the nature of the relationship. "

Khashoggi, a resident U.S., has not been seen since Oct. 2 when he visited the Saudi consulate in Istanbul to get paperwork for his marriage to his Turkish fiancee.

Khashoggi was an insider of the Saudi royal court before he became a fierce critic, particularly of Prince Mohammed bin Salman Crown. He has been living in self-imposed exile in the Washington, D.C., area since 2017 and writing columns for the Washington Post, many of whom have criticized Prince Mohammed, who is considered the day-to-day leader of Saudi Arabia.

Turkish officials say Khashoggi was murdered inside the consulate and dismembered there. Saudi officials say that's a baseless allegation and that he left the consulate alive the same day.

Trump, who has fostered a close relationship with Saudi Arabia, has expressed concern about Khashoggi and pledged to find out what happened.

"We have investigators over there and we're working with Turkey, and, frankly, we're working with Saudi Arabia," Trump said Thursday on Fox News. He went in, and he did not look like he came out. It certainly does not look like it's around. "

Trump visited Riyadh and announced plans to sell $ 110 trillion in weapons to the Saudis, casting it as a boon to the U.S. industry.

Khashoggi, Trump dismissed the idea of ​​abandoning that arms deal.

"We do not like it, and we do not like it a little bit," Trump told reporters in the Oval Office about Khashoggi's disappearance. "But we would have to stop $ 110 billion from two different alternatives, two of them very good alternatives – that would not be acceptable to me."

In an effort to force Trump to take action, most members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee feels it needs to be investigated under the Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act.

That law, enacted and then expanded during the Obama administration, says the president must conduct an investigation if requested by the leaders of the Foreign Relations Committee, and then report back to the panel on whether the US will levy sanctions.

Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob CorkerRobert (Bob) Phillips CorkerLive coverage: Blackburn, Bredesen clash in Tennessee Senate debate Overnight Defense – Presented by The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates – Missing journalist strains US-Saudi ties | Senators push Trump to open investigation | Trump speaks with Saudi officials | New questions over support for Saudi coalition in Yemen Senators Trump to probe Trump to probe Saudi journalist's disappearance MORE (R-Tenn.), Who signed the letter, described the request for a Magnitsky investigation as a "pretty strong step."

"They will be under immense pressure, if it is determined that Corker said of the administration.

Corker, who says he has reviewed U.S. intelligence on the issue, has spoken about Khashoggi's fate and Saudi responsibility in recent years.

He also told reporters on Thursday that "everything says" the Saudis murdered Khashoggi.

Corker indicated he wanted the Magnitsky investigation to play out before he would consider such measures in Saudis in neighboring Yemen. But he said he did not think a dirty arms would pass Congress at this time.

"I can assure you it will not happen for a while," he said. "I know that Congress will not let this idly go by. This is something that enrages people, as it should. "

If the administration notifies the Congress of a new arms sale to Saudi Arabia, lawmakers would have 30 days to block it if they decide to take that aggressive step. Foreign Relations Committee ranking member Sen. Bob MenendezRobert (Bob) MenendezTrump lowers refugee goal to 30,000, he must meet it Blame Senate, not FBI, for Kavanaugh travesty Dems urge tech companies remove 3D-gun blueprints MORE (D-N.J.) In Yemen, where lawmakers are concerned about a mounting civilian death toll.

Menendez Saudis Thursday, May 7, 2008

Menendez also warned the administration to take the Magnitsky investigation seriously.

"I expect it to be a serious review in that wherever it leads," Menendez said. "If the conclusion is that members of the Saudi government are involved in the disappearance and / or murder of Mr. Khashoggi, there will be consequences for Magnitsky. We can not even believe that they have carte blanche to do anything they want. "

Sen. Lindsey GrahamLindsey Olin GrahamTrump talked with Sessions about serving as attorney general: report Overnight Defense – Presented by The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates – Missing journalist strains US-Saudi ties | Senators push Trump to open investigation | Trump speaks with Saudi officials | New questions over support for Saudi coalition in Yemen Senators Trump to probe Trump to probe Saudi journalist's disappearance MORE (R-S.C.), A Trump ally who signed the Foreign Relations Committee letter, said he "absolutely" thinks the administration will take the investigation seriously.

Graham compared the Saudis to Russian President Vladimir Putin and said the United States should take the same punitive measures against the kingdom.

"We expect stuff like this from Putin, and we come down hard on him when he does it. So everything we did to Putin, I want to go to Saudi Arabia, "Graham said. "I would be unleash the sanctions from hell. These people care about, they live opulent lifestyles, they care about their wallet. I would like to make an example of this government if they did not think that we could have an alliance and we would not care about our values, you'll be mistaken. "

But he said he still does not agree with ending U.S. support for the Saudis in the Yemen war, saying the Khashoggi issue and the Yemen war are "two different things."

"The Yemen war is a proxy war with Iran," he said.

Sen. Chris MurphyChristopher (Chris) Scott MurphyOvernight Defense – Presented by The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates – Missing journalist strains US-Saudi ties | Senators push Trump to open investigation | Trump speaks with Saudi officials | New questions over support for Saudi coalition in Yemen Senators demand answers on Trump administration backing of Saudi coalition in Yemen Missing journalist strains US-Saudi relationship MORE (D-Conn.), Who previously teamed up with Sens. Bernie SandersBernard (Bernie) SandersOvernight Health Care – Presented by the Coalition for Prescription Drugs – Senate blocks Trump signs bill banning drug price 'gag clauses' | DOJ approves Aetna-CVS merger | Juul ramps up lobbying On The Money: Trump says 'Fed has gone crazy' after stock drop | Dow down over 800 points | Tech rout, interest rate fears drive market slide Bernie Sanders targets Facebook and Google on Kavanaugh MORE (I-Vt.) And Mike LeeMichael (Mike) Shumway LeeTrump poised to sign bipartisan water infrastructure GOP bill senator says wife received video of beheading after Kavanaugh vote Trump MORE (R-Utah) to force a vote on U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, said another War Powers resolution "certainly is an option."

"I am very doubtful that the administration is going to use the Magnitsky Act to impose mandatory sanctions, so I think it's going to be left to the bottom of Saudi Arabia's understands there's consequences," Murphy said.

Absent a notification to Congress, he said, targeting the Yemen makes the most sense for the lawmakers to take action.

"The campaign is predicated on our belief that the Saudis are telling the truth about their intention to bomb civilians," he said. "They are not likely to tell us the truth about what happened in the consulate, so why would we believe them when they are not intentionally bombing civilians in Yemen?"

The only member of the Foreign Relations Committee who did not sign Wednesday's letter to Trump was Sen. Rand PaulRandal (Rand) Howard PaulOvernight Defense – Presented by The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates – Missing journalist strains US-Saudi ties | Senators push Trump to open investigation | Trump speaks with Saudi officials | New questions over support for Saudi coalition in Yemen Senators trigger law forcing Trump to probe Saudi Journalist's Disappearance Virginia Dem rips Administration on Khashoggi MORE (R-Ky.).

Paul has been vowed to force a vote on the blocking of arms. He also said that he would propose legislation that would cut off U.S. military support to the Saudis.

"This week, I intend to introduce another measure of training, advising and coordinating with the military of Saudi Arabia until the journalist Jamal Khashoggi is returned alive," he wrote.

"This oppressive regime must be held accountable for its actions," added Paul. "The United States has no business supporting it, directly or indirectly."

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