September: Children's Cancer Awareness Month


The government has declared September the month of childhood cancer awareness. In addition to the birthday party of Roselle Park resident Matteo Vitale, named borough superhero of the year, the mayor and council have recognized the struggle of a family in raising awareness of pediatric cancer. .
Cancer in children is no longer just an explicit disease, but a variety of conditions that encompass leukemia, brain tumors and spinal cord, neuroblastoma, Wilms tumor, lymphoma (to Hodgkin's and Hodgkin's non-Hodgkin's) lateral osteosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma) and congenital mesoblastic nephromes.
The widespread age in the United States where cancer is identified is six years old. A family is aware of this lifestyle change assessment on an average of forty-three cases per day – approximately every 1/2 hour. Worldwide, over the past few decades, child cancer claims have increased and approximately 250,000 new cases of cancer have affected children under the age of 20 – about seven hundred affected children – every day.
One in five children loses their fight against pediatric cancer. In the United States, it is the leading cause of death from illness among children under 15 years of age. Statistically, cancer kills more children than AIDS, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, diabetes and muscular dystrophy combined. Among us who are flying their fight against the disease, two-thirds of them will create long-term prerequisites for power because of the therapy.
Because the causes of most pediatric cancers are largely unknown and no longer closely related to everyday life, they have an impact on children without reference to socio-economic, ethnic, racial or geographic class.
Part of the insurmountable battle that households face in opposition to cancer is that over the past 25 years, two more manageable capsules have been specifically developed for childhood cancer.
This is why specialized research is needed for pediatric cancer.
Cancer funding for children has declined steadily since 2003 and remains underfunded. More than 5% of the federal government's total funding for cancer research is devoted to childhood cancer and about 4% of the money raised for the National Cancer Institute goes directly to childhood cancer research.
The most important for research is awareness.
To this end, Roselle Park has "Gone Gold for Pediatric Cancer Consciousness" by wrapping gold ribbons around trees and poles along the Facet Chestnut Highway. This awareness-raising campaign was led by Alfred and Kimberly Vitale, fogeys of Matteo Vitale, who previously identified with congenital mesoblastic nephroma and had already been awarded the title of super-hero of the year 2018 by the borough. They are doing everything necessary to make cancer known to children.
Additional information on the month of the National Cancer Awareness in Children can even be found at the American Childhood Cancers Group (link) to start on Alex's Lemonade Stand Basis (link).

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