September Harvest Moon horoscope: What is the Zodiac Harvest Full Moon? | Bizarre News


This month, the full moon illuminates the night sky in early morning on Tuesday 25 September in the UK.

Elsewhere, you can expect the Full Moon to peak between September 24 and September 25, depending on your time zone.

Here in the UK, the bright glow of the fully illuminated Harvest Moon will shine around 3:52 BST.

The full moon of harvest rises this month in the astrological sign of the Virgin, the girl, of the new moon of September 9th.

Astrologers believe that the sign is governed by the planet Mercury and governs the aspects of life and work.

Moon in Virgo ascended into the sky at 16 degrees and 59 seconds.

Jamie Partridge, of, thinks that Harvest Moon could spawn a set of problems because of its unfortunate position relative to the Sun, Saturn, Mercury and the Chiron asteroid.

The astrologer said: "Saturn is the main source of concern in the horoscope of the full moon. This is because it is the focal point of a T-shaped aspect appearance.

"This is a very tense and demanding model that requires some mastery.

"A series of crises, challenges and challenges will eventually hone the skills needed to overcome the barriers, frustration and conflict inherent in squares and opposition.

"Developing the necessary life skills, as well as learning to relate to others emotionally, can lead to the determination, courage, and life experience necessary for great accomplishment and success.

Mr. Partridge said that the dynamics of this "T-square" would result in a need to follow what makes you feel "emotionally secure".

But other problems could arise due to the presence of the Moon facing Mercury.

If your thoughts are blurred and you suddenly have sudden ideas, this may be the reason.

The astrologer said, "For a moment, you can be too analytical, then emotional and irrational the next day. You may have difficulty understanding everyday problems.

"Emotional bias or lack of understanding can lead to arguments. Problems caused by addiction, racism or prejudice can also have a negative impact on your thought processes. "

Other astrologers, however, have different thoughts on what Moon in Virgo could bring this month.

Barbara Goldsmith, astrologer at, said this month is the perfect time to reconnect with nature, spend time gardening or just walking outside.

She told, "Being in the wild, connecting with animals, preparing food and gardening are all good activities to do."

You can read the exclusive story with Ms. Goldsmith here: September Full Moon Astrology: What does the full moon horoscope mean for YOU?

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