Sequencing of the koala genome will favor survival rates of the species •


A team of 54 scientists from 29 different institutions across seven countries has just made a major scientific breakthrough, sequencing the entire koala genome. The Australian-led research team published its findings in Nature Genetics describing the most complete marsupial genome ever sequenced. It is believed that these new, highly accurate genomic data will provide scientists with information that can assist with conservation, assist in the treatment of diseases, and extend the survival of this species.

"The Koala genome consortium is an ambitious project This trip allows us to better understand the genetic elements that make up a Koala – one of the most charismatic and iconic mammals of Australia and the world. Says Rebecca Johnson, director of the Australian Museum Research Institute "This step came from our vision of using genomics to conserve this species." The genetic blueprint has not only come to light a wealth of data on the unusual and highly specialized diet of eucalyptus leaves koalas, but also provides important information about their immune system, population diversity and the evolution of koalas. "

3 , 4 billion base pairs and more than 26,000 genes in the koala genome – significantly more than what is present in the human genome. " The genome provides a holistic and scientifically sound approach to koala conservation," says Johnson. "Australia has the highest mammal extinction record of any country during the Anthropocene." The number of koalas has dropped in the northern part of its range since European colonization but has increased in some southern areas, notably in Victoria and southern Australia. "

Notably, researchers at Earlham Institute in the UK that koalas have two large expansions in a known gene family to be an integral part of detoxification – the Cytochrome P450 gene family of metabolic enzymes. The expression of these genes in many koala tissues – especially in the liver – indicates that they play an important role in detoxification, which probably allows this species to become specialists in the field. ;food. " This probably helped them find their niche to survive because they could rely on a food source that would have less competition from other species that could not detoxify as effectively," says Johnson.

characterization of the composition of koala milk. All marsupials make most of their development in the mother's pocket, and koalas are no different. They are born without an immune system after 34-36 days of gestation, and spend about six months developing in the pocket. " We characterized the main components of breast milk – which is crucial for Koala Joeys – born the size of a bean and weighing half a gram," says Katherine Belov of ] University of Sydney [19659005] "We have identified genes that allow the koala to refine milk protein composition at all stages of lactation to meet the changing needs of young people."

L & # The team discovered and analyzed koala-specific milk proteins for the different stages of koala development, and they also determined that these proteins could have an antimicrobial role because they exhibited activity across a range of species. bacterial and fungal species, including one that is known to cause eye and reproductive disease in koalas.Chlamydia has severely affected koala populations in Australia, causing times infertility and blindness. Scientists hope to use this new information to develop a vaccine against this disease.

Koala is an internationally recognized species and very important for the ecosystems in which the species exists. This new research can help the survival of these marsupials, as well as the continued health of their habitats.

" Our next efforts must be in the application of these results to genetically manage koala populations, to advance the treatment of diseases affecting koalas, in order to conserve this very important species", Johnson concludes.

By Connor Ertz Writer

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