Sessions reiterates its support for uncompromising immigration policy as criticism continues


Addressing a meeting of school resource officers in Reno, Nevada, Sessions blamed Obama's border guidelines for forcing action on the trend of immigrants who were crossing families who had "exploded" and sought to involve young children at high costs. threats to public safety.

But he also tempered his rhetoric by winking at the hostile reaction provoked by the daily reports of more than 2,000 boys and girls who had been separated from their parents and placed in detention centers and shelters across the country.

"We will continue to pursue adults who enter illegally here, but we will do everything in our power to avoid separating families, all federal agencies are working hard to achieve this goal," said Sessions.

The Justice Department on Thursday urged a California court to amend a federal order limiting the US authorities' ability to detain immigrant children for more than 20 days – a central element of the decree signed by President Donald Trump last week. a reversal of the tactics of the hard line.

Immigration experts have warned that this measure is unlikely to succeed in court, and Sessions expressed frustration over its options on Monday.

"Let me tell you that it's a difficult and frustrating situation. I've spent hours, days, months – just like our lawyer – working with Homeland Security, working with Border Patrol. , our ICE agents, who are trying to crack the loopholes and problems that are created in our system, and the lawyers over the years have developed more and more clever ways to thwart the normal application of these laws, " said Mr. Sessions.

Protests break out again despite Trump's promise to reunite immigrant children with their parents

"And while we want to keep these families together, we need Congress to act, we really do," he said.

Sessions also used his time in front of the school resource officer conference to catalog examples of MS-13 violence in the United States in macabre detail and, at one point, linked the gang directly to the children's population immigrants.

"MS-13 recruits children who have been sent here as unaccompanied minors, they come here unrelated and with minimal contact, they seek to recruit, and some come here and are brought here by the gangs of Central. America to strengthen and restore MS-13 gangs, "he said.

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