Seth Meyers asks about Brett Kavanaugh's most recent defense


In recent weeks, Republicans have made rather hateful statements to exonerate Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh. Condescending accusations against Christine Blasey Ford's sexual assault charges against Kavanaugh included questions about why Ford did not show up earlier and calling it "mixed" , tactics recalling the controversy of Anita Hill.

But as Seth Meyers pointed out Tuesday night, Kavanaugh himself offered what could be the strangest defense to date. In his interview with Fox News On Monday, Kavanaugh said, "I had no sexual intercourse or anything close to sex in high school or for many years after that."

"If you're trying to get away from sexual assault, maybe Fox News is not the place to be," Meyers said. "Usually, when they question a person accused of sexual assault, it's for a job." a chance to refer to the colonies Fox did with Bill O'Reilly after numerous allegations of sexual harassment against the host, adding "Shout, Bill O 'Reilly."

Sex, however, is not what Kavanaugh is accused of. In fact, as Meyers pointed out, "These things have nothing to do with each other. It's the same as saying, "I could not have stolen this bank. … I am virgin. Devoting yourself to celibacy does not mean that you can not be a sex offender. Just ask thousands of priests. "

Again, perhaps the platform that Kavanaugh chose to defend himself has sentenced him to an ineffective refusal from the beginning.

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