Seth Meyers criticizes NBC for broadcasting Trump's "racist" advertising for migrants


The animator "Late Night" is associated with stars such as Judd Apatow and his network colleague Debra Messing to express against the spot, which was removed Monday after being broadcast during from "Sunday Night Football".

Seth Meyers joined the group of people who spoke out against an announcement of Donald Trump's anti-immigration campaign, which CNN described as too racist.

The spot was shot by NBC on Monday after being aired during the network's media night. Sunday evening football match between Green Bay Packers and the New England Patriots.

The advertisement, also broadcast on MSNBC, is about the "caravan of 7,000 migrants" that is going through the news in Mexico. Trump and his supporters warn voters against the dangerous prospect of letting these people cross the border. The advertisement also highlights the undocumented immigrant Luis Bracamontes, who was convicted of murdering two sheriff's deputies in California in 2014, calling viewers to "vote Republican" on Nov. 6.

"America can not allow this invasion.The caravan of migrants must be stopped.The President Trump and his allies will protect our border and ensure the safety of our families," sums up a voiceover. "The future of America depends on you. Stop the caravan. Vote Republican."

The spot was also aired on Fox News and Facebook before both media removed it on Monday. But CNN rejected the announcement, saying in a statement"CNN has clearly stated in its editorial coverage that this advertisement was racist.When we were presented with an opportunity to get paid to take a version of this advertisement, we refused." These are the facts. "

Sources said The Hollywood journalist it has not been submitted to ABC or CBS.

In its statement announcing the withdrawal of the advertisement, NBC said: "After further examination, we recognize the insensitive nature of advertising and decided to stop broadcasting it on our properties as soon as possible."

In a more attentive segment on NBC Late at night Devoted to Trump's last argument before the midterm elections Monday night, Meyers said his own network, NBC, should also have rejected the announcement immediately.

"No matter what network should have seen what it was and denied it right now," he said. "Unfortunately, that did not happen … The advertising was obviously and explicitly racist."

And he joked that NBC had other options for the 30 seconds of airtime devoted to advertising.

"You could not find anything more to fill 30 seconds of advertising during a match between the Patriots and the Packers?" Asked Meyers. "Damn, let us have a live feed of Tom Brady on the sidelines of this giant coat."

the Late at night The host joined other stars who criticized NBC for advertising, including Judd Apatow and Meyers' colleague for NBC, Debra Messing, who tweeted about the place.

Messing addressed Will and Grace Fans write: "I want you to know that I am ashamed that my network is broadcasting this disgusting racist advertisement.It is the antithesis of all that I personally believe in, and in what way I believe, our show is everything. "

Seth Meyers
Late night television

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