Seth Meyers: In Saudi Arabia, the only thing that matters to Trump, is the money


For Seth Meyers' "Late Night" moderator, there is no mystery as to why President Donald Trump does not take a firm stance against Saudi Arabia's murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

"We know for a fact that Trump has financial ties to Saudi Arabia because he told us so," Meyers said before launching the video.

On the clips, Trump said:

  • "I love the Saudis. Many are in this building.
  • "Saudi Arabia and I get along very well with each one of them. They buy me apartments. They spend between $ 40 million and $ 50 million. Am I supposed not to like them? I love them a lot."
  • "I love the Saudis. They are very nice. I earn a lot of money with them. They buy all kinds of things. All kinds of Trump toys. "

Meyers mentioned that when asked why he was siding with Saudi Arabia, a repressive regime, to the detriment of his own intelligence agencies, the president said: "Because Is America first. "

"No," said Meyers, "it's not America first, it's primarily Saudi Arabia."

Watch the video above to see what Meyers said about Trump and his loyalty.

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