Seth Meyers makes a triumphant return to SNL's "Weekend Update"; Michael Che drops the n-word


Seth Meyers returns to the "Weekend Update" counter with Colin Jost and Michael Che. (NBC) (SNL)

As a host of "Saturday Night Live," it was almost inevitable that Seth Meyers would appear in "Weekend Update" to some extent. But it was somewhat surprising to see him resurrect his old segment "Really!?!", Which he was playing traditionally with his former co-presenter, Amy Poehler. This time, however, he tackled the issue with the help of current co-presenters Michael Che and Colin Jost.

Thursday's meeting between Kanye West and Donald Trump, organized as part of the Oval Office on Thursday, testifies to the fact that the show not only distorted the show, but also chose to linger during the highly anticipated return from Meyers in the "Weekend Update". Repetition, however, did not diminish what would have been a triumphant return to this sacred office.

Meyers, who is now the host of NBC's "Late Night", was thrilled to meet Che and Jost and start kissing the office.

"So, Trump met Kanye in the oval office," began Meyers. "Really!?! You do not have better things to do? And by the way, when I say that, I really do not know who you're talking to, the only place these two people should meet is as a group. They should be in the basement of a church and a guy with an earring and a leather bracelet should say, "I'm glad you both decided to come back." I mean , really!?!

Che then made one of SNL's most shocking jokes lately: for its language and not for its content.

"I've negotiated four keywords all season in my new contract. That's right, "said Che. Then he used one of the four: "So I just want to know, how much does it cost? [n-word] does he owe taxes?

"Wow, you know, I've been here for 12 years and [producer Lorne Michaels] Meyers exclaimed before adding a sentence that made Che Guffaw say "Probably for the best".

Then Meyers immediately returned to the meeting pointing to something that had been overshadowed by the meeting of West and Trump's minds.

"You know how crazy Thursday was at the White House? Kid Rock was there, and no one cared, "said Meyers, citing the singer of songs like" American Badass "and" Cowboy ". Rock was there to support the legislation that Trump had signed on Thursday to reorganize licensed music and songwriters cleared.

"It was almost a relief to hear someone as reasonable as Kid Rock at the White House," Meyers continued. "You know how hard it is to make Kid Rock sound like an adult in the room? His name is "Kid".

Meyers then went by when West, dressed in a red "Make America Great Again" baseball cap, kissed Trump at the end of their meeting.

"Dude, it's so rare that you can see blacks and white supremacists betrayed at the same time," Meyers said.

Che, however, said that he could understand.

"I actually get a lot of what Kanye was trying say. I mean, it looks like someone has told him something really smart, and he just repeated that it was really, really wrong, "Che said. "As when I was a kid, the owner introduced himself and my mother said, 'Tell him I'm not here. And then, I said, "My mother said she was not there."

Eventually, Jost tried to explain the meeting.

"Look, it's really very simple. Kanye wants to be Trump's famous friend, because Obama called Kanye a "moron," said Jost, referring to President Obama's comments on the rapper after West interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech to MTV Video Music Awards 2009. "If the President of the United States calls you" moron ", you would go" you know who I love? next President & # 39;. "

Jost then took a good shot at Meyers for the rumor that Trump would have run for president after his ego had been bruised by Meyers. The comedian launched Trump's beard after beard during his routine at the White House Correspondents Dinner in 2011.

"In a way, Obama is to blame for all this, just as Seth is to blame for being laughed at Trump to the point of deciding to become president," Jost said.

"Wait, really? Do people really think that? "Meyers said, as Che and Jost assured him.

And, in case you do not know it, people really know it. This is not the first time Meyers has joked about it.


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