Seth Meyers Rips Off Virgin Brett Kavanaugh's Defense


Seth Meyers does not buy the recent defense of Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh against allegations of sexual assault and misconduct against him: he was a virgin at the time.

In Tuesday's episode of "Late Night With Seth Meyers," the host unearthed Kavanaugh's comments in an interview with Fox News on Monday and showed no mercy.

"It does not matter if you're a virgin. You are charged with sexual assault, not sexual intercourse, "said Meyers in the" Couple Things "segment. "These things have nothing to do with each other. It's the same as saying, "I could not have stolen this bank, I'm a virgin."

Christine Blasey Ford went public earlier this month after The New Yorker published a bombing report in which she accused Kavanaugh of having sexually assaulted her about 35 years ago, while they were in high school. She alleged that he pinned her at a party, tried it and tried to take off her clothes.

On Sunday, Deborah Ramirez also appeared and stated that Kavanaugh had been exposed to her when they were in college.

And although Kavanaugh and Blasey are supposed to report the first incident to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, this did not stop President Donald Trump's Supreme Court candidate from publicly defending himself on Monday.

"We are talking about allegations of sexual assault. I have never sexually assaulted anyone, "Kavanaugh told Fox News. "I have not had sex, or anything close to sex, in high school or many years after that."

He also mentioned that he had several friends during the period in question. But Meyer did not show patience either.

"Stop saying that you were friends with women," said the evening's host. "It's not a defense. Just because you are friends with a woman, that does not mean you have not been mean to another. It's like saying you're vegetarian because you did not eat your dog.

Meyers goes on to say that Fox News is a strange place to profess your innocence against allegations of sexual misconduct, given the network's sexual harassment issues involving star ouster Bill O'Reilly and the late Roger Ailes.

To see everything, see the clip above.

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