Seth Meyers to Trump: When it comes to Hillary Clinton, forget it!


At a rally in Mississippi on Tuesday night, President Donald Trump expressed deep concern over the fact that at the time of Me Too, men could be charged with sexual assault and murder. would be "presumed guilty until proved otherwise.

Seth Meyers, the host of "Late Night", did not miss so much as Wednesday.

"Oh, do you suddenly worry about due process and the presumption of innocence?" Said Meyers.

"Now," says Meyers, "I'm sure they wanted to sing:" Only lock it up after a fair trial in which overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing is presented. " "

"Besides, it's so sad that they always sing:" Lock it up. "Hillary is selling books, sipping chardonnay and making cameos on" Murphy Brown ", and you're all crammed into a local civic center watching the man who sweats the most in the world."

Watch the video above to see what Meyers said about Trump and lies.

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