Settlement reached in class action lawsuit 2016 Genki Sushi hepatitis


HONOLULU (KHON2) – Thousands of people can get up to $ 350 each, thanks to a multimillion dollar class action lawsuits from hepatitis A outbreak in 2016.

Genki Sushi and its distributors have settled the lawsuit and agreed to pay those who got the vaccine.

The settlement applies to those who have been vaccinated about the time when the outbreak is ongoing. It does not apply to those who actually got sick. Those cases were filed separately and most of them were already settled.

The State Department of Health determined in August 2016 that the disease was caused by several scallops at Genki Sushi Restaurants. During that time, thousands of residents were getting vaccinated because they believed they might have been exposed to the virus.

"If you take into consideration the fact that more than 100,000 people got shots, that's a significant portion of our population," said Brandee Faria, attorney for the claimants.

She said that she was able to pay for $ 5 million to settle a class action lawsuit. The claims fall in three categories.

  1. Those who had direct contact with people who actually got sick can get up to $ 350.
  2. Those who ate at Genki Sushi in August 2016 can get up to $ 250.
  3. Those who are at other eateries where workers got the virus, or who got the vaccine, can get up to $ 150.

Your health insurance can be used for your claim.

"They can not find out which of their insurance companies took care of the insulin vaccine," said Faria.

Claims must be filed by Nov. 29.

Click here for more information on how to submit a claim.

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