Shameless Season 9 Episode 4: Do well, vote white!


The political fervor hit the South Side during season 9, episode 4 shamelessly, and that could not have been faster.

Sometimes, "Do Right, Vote White" felt like a message of public interest about the pitfalls of not voting at all or not voting for the right person, but that represented the change of direction needed at Showtime.

Frank and Fiona had very different perspectives on who should win. Frank's side wanted to blame the immigrants for the lack of opportunities in the South Side. This is the story that Frank told everyone who would listen to him.

The battle of the votes - Shameless

Frank is still thinking about money, and that is why he has assumed the role of campaign manager. Fiona is entrepreneurial and wants to make sure that the person she is voting for will bring her hometown back to the brink and allow her business to thrive.

It is difficult to praise Fiona because of the incentives she had to get her clients to vote. Who can say that these young people who came to the polls did not just vote for someone else and took the pin of the free pie and nachos?

Frank: Military service is for the losers.
Lip: Spoken like a true patriot.

It's unclear how long people will do to stay fed when their backs are against the wall. The struggle at the polling station was, however, one of the best moments of this show for years.

Terry Milkovich's return was a blast from the past and it was typical for him to want to join forces with Frank and other drunkards in the borough to prevent voters from doing what they were supposed to do.

Shamelessly has always focused on the social problems that raged in the most deprived areas of the United States of America, but so comically that it does not seem to be as serious as it is in the United States. reality.

Fiona votes for Ruiz - Shameless Season 9 - Episode 4

Maybe that's why the show was so successful, but it lost its way for a while. It was just wasting as ideas were thrown to see which one would stay.

There will be a lot of changes with Mo White in power. Putting in power a man accused or convicted of sexual assault does not seem so strange in the current climate.

It's downright horrible, but with the #MeToo movement, it's clear that Shameless aims to be as current as ever. Mo White is a horrible old man who will cause a lot of problems to everyone.

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I daresay that Fiona and Debbie will join forces to find enough people to overthrow him before the end of Shameless Season 9.

Although she is committed to destroying patriarchy, Debbie has never had much to do with political history.

Lip: No
Liam: I do not feel so good. I think I'm coming with something.
Lip: Buddy, it does not happen. You go to school Go.
Liam: It's a waste of time. I do not learn anything. Could you just go to school at home?

Instead, she was playing with Alex and shouting rooftops that she was lesbian. She was confused and wanted a sense of belonging.

Debbie's New Wardrobe - Shameless Season 9 - Episode 4

His flash relationship with Alex was desperate. She knew the woman for a few days and she moved in with her and talked about the future as if they had been together for years.

Debbie is still young and impressionable. She thinks about the negative aspects of her life. Her relationships with men have been missed, so she thinks she absolutely must be gay.

She failed to realize that she enjoyed her appointments with both women and men, but the way she spoke about male genitals implied that she could be bisexual.

The thing that upset me about this development of the plot was that Debbie had not managed to achieve it. In his mind, you are gay or straight.

Frank: Just like his mother, ready to spread her legs for some guy with a wallet chain and a fiery skull tattoo.
Lip: Always father of the year, Frank.

She never left the room for maneuver so that there is an in-between. Damn, even Alex immediately assumed that Debbie was a straight girl.

Maybe I skip the weapon here and I'm dragging aspects of the plot even before it's played. Time will tell if there is more to this plot than what we see.

There was some chemistry between Debbie and Alex that Debbie had never had with any of her previous partners.

At bottom, she seems very confused and will have to do a lot of mind searching to find out who she really is and shape her future accordingly.

Debbie wants justice - Shameless Season 9 Episode 2

It's really unfortunate that Ian was so scornful of her when she turned to him for help. Again, Ian is not really in the best place with the whole story of Church of Gay Jesus.

The good thing here is that the plot seems to disappear. Ian knows the dangers of a sensation on the Internet and seems ready to end it.

His behavior would imply that he had resumed his medication and that he was going through a manic state associated with bipolar disorder when he started to blow up vans and other crazy things.

It remains to be seen whether he can turn this movement into a good thing. It's global, but with people acting and blowing up vans, it could become really messy.

Lip's Pain - Shameless Season 9 - Episode 4

The scenario that touched my heart was Lip trying to become Xan's legal guardian. If you look at Shameless Online, you know that he took the child when his aunt jumped into town, leaving the kid in the system.

After Lip removed Xan from the hospital on episode 3 of Shameless Season 9, I thought there would be a lot of breath back, but there was nothing. The authorities do not know if Xan was with Lip for good or bad reason.

They never investigated because they were doing their job, Lip would be stopped.

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Xan's mother is presented as a surprise. Lip's immediate hypothesis was that she was there only to get the kid to accept the checks for money, probably because it had for parents Frank and Monica .

Xan's mother should have really explained why she had left her daughter and, more importantly, how she would give him a better life.

Becoming a prostitute was not exactly what Lip needed to see, but it was enough for him to know that a life in the street was not the way to go.

Selling the bike for his money was a selfless gesture that repeated that he was one of the nicest men on television.

The final scene was full of emotion and although I expect the mother to take the money and leave without Xan, the emotional meeting confirmed that there was a real connection between mother and daughter.

With Lip giving them the money, chances are we never see them again. If that's the case, Lip will look for something more.

Related: Shameless Season 9 Extended

He wants to be happy, but the relational side does not work for him as he has found that every woman thinks that it is boring because of her sobriety.

Finding love requires a lot of perseverance. Someone will appear when he least expects it. He deserves his happy ending.

"Do Right, Vote White" represented a considerable return on investment for the series. Will he be able to keep up?

Other little things from the episode:

  • Does anyone seriously expect Liam to stay in the lower grades of school for much longer? He proved that he was different from his brothers and sisters.

  • Carl arguing with the child for Westpoint's recommendation was hilarious. How many more times will Carl have to prove that he is one of the hottest teens on his side of the tracks before people realize it?

  • The Alibi room that came out of the list of "fastest bars" went a little too fast for my taste. It would have been better to say on a longer arc. This is not something that happens under the carpet.

  • Are we really going to find out what life is like inside the daycare, with the twins claiming to be the only person or not? Forgetting intrigues is not a good idea.

What are your thoughts on the last payment? Did you expect more returns for the 100th installment?

Hit the comments below.

Shameless continues on Sunday on Showtime.

Paul Dailly is the associated TV Fanatic editor. Follow him on Twitter.

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