Shaun White apologizes to Special Olympics for his Halloween costume


Professional snowboarder Shaun White expressed regret after being dressed for Halloween as Simple Jack, Ben StillerThe disabled character of the movie 2008 Thunder in the tropics.

"I owe everyone in the Special Olympics community an apology for my bad choice of Halloween costume the other night," said White, 32, in a statement posted on his Twitter account. Monday, October 29th. "It was a last-minute decision – it was bad – the Special Olympics were right to call me about it.They are doing great work to support as many people as possible." Athletes and I'm sorry to be insensitive Lesson learned. "

The triple Olympic gold medalist unveiled her costume two days earlier in a post that has since been dropped on Instagram. The Special Olympics have sentenced him shortly thereafter.

"We are really disappointed that Shaun White, an acclaimed Olympic athlete, has chosen this so shocking and painful costume," said one of the organization's co-founders, Soeren Palumbo, in a statement to HuffPost. "Disability is not a joke or a punch. We hope that Shaun White and others will learn that this only perpetuates stigma, stereotypes and discrimination. "

After White has apologized on Twitter, the Special Olympics responded"Thank you @shaunwhite for listening to our community. You still have an invitation to shred with our athletes at #XGames Aspen! "

Thunder in the tropics was widely criticized and boycotted by disability rights groups at the time of publication. The action comedy has repeatedly and excessively used the keyword R to describe the character of Stiller.

A spokesperson for DreamWorks Pictures said in a statement to The New York Times in 2008, the movie "satirizes Hollywood and its excesses and asserts its point of view by staging inappropriate characters and delusional in ridiculous situations." "

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