She claimed that a 9-year-old boy was feeling her. Then she apologized.


"Young man, I do not know your name, but I'm sorry," this woman told reporters on television this week after watching surveillance footage showing the backpack of the child brushing her back – her hands in plain sight – she leaned over a Brooklyn deli counter.

A video of the public apology aired on a mobile phone also circulated on social media.

However, before Friday's mea culpa, Teresa Klein was widely ridiculed on social media after a viral video of the incident became the latest example of whites calling police on blacks. for seemingly trivial reasons.

The episode began Wednesday when Klein appeared to call the police on a mobile phone video captured by a Brooklynite who posted it on Facebook with the message "Make it go viral. Meet the Cornerstore Caroline store.

"A child molested me sexually," Klein said in the video, appearing to be on the phone with a 911 operator.

The boy, wearing an oversized blue backpack, and a girl who looks younger than him burst into tears.

"Do not cry, little man," said the man who posted the video, Jason Littlejohn, to the boy. "St. Carolina store, we have a new one."

Spectators, some recording on cell phones, quickly defended the child outside the grocery store in the sleek neighborhood of Flatbush.

"The son grabbed my ass and she decided to shout at me," Klein says in the video, referring to the child's mother.

A surveillance video seems to show that the boy's backpack is rubbing against the woman's back.

After Klein appeared to have finished his call, another white woman confronted him.

"What is your problem?" the woman told Klein. "I'm calling you, you call the police on a child, go away!"

The incident was the latest in a national conversation about Whites who were increasingly calling the police to blacks who go about their daily business, including waiting at Starbucks, working as a building inspector, shopping at Nordstrom Rack, sleep in a dorm room in the Ivy League room and barbecue in a public park.

Klein returned to the Sahara Deli Market on Friday and watched the video surveillance on a screen near the counter where she said she was groping.

Surrounded by hustle and bustle – some recording on cell phones – Klein looked up at a mounted screen. The surveillance video showed the boy walking behind her, her backpack seeming to brush her back.

"The child has accidentally rubbed me," Klein told reporters in the area before apologizing.

A black man with a beard and a Caribbean face said, "Excuses, that's all we have, man, we're tired of being disrespected and apologetic. people's problems. "

He told another man, "If it was you, you would have been incarcerated now."

Klein told reporters that she was threatened since the release of the video on Facebook, viewed 5.6 million times on Saturday afternoon.

"I understand what it looks like, but it escalated and then I got pissed off, not at the child," Klein told CNN's affiliate, WPIX, referring to the boy's mother. .

Klein was not immediately available to comment.

The New York police said the department had not received any 911 calls or any complaints regarding Wednesday's incident from the grocery store or from a woman.

CNN's Kwegyirba Croffie and Gisela Crespo contributed to this report.

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