She had a lobotomy or spent too much time in the woods


Saturday, judge Jeanine Pirro has devoted all its openness of nearly 6 minutes to denigrate Hillary Clinton and his recent statement on migrants in Europe.

"I think Europe needs to master the migration because that's what ignited the flame," Clinton said in an interview published by The Guardian Thursday, with the title "Hillary Clinton: Europe must reduce immigration to curb right-wing populists."

Clinton added in this same interview: "I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches adopted especially by leaders like [German Chancellor] Angela Merkelbut I think it's fair to say that Europe has done its part and needs to send a very clear message – "We will not be able to continue to provide shelter and support" – because if we do not deal not the problem of migration he will continue to roll the body politic.

In response to Clinton's remarks, Pirro began by calling it a "stunning reversal".

"This week, Hillary Clinton said that Europe should no longer offer refuge and support to migrants," said Fox's host. "What?" The woman had a lobotomy or she stayed in the wood too long!

Then, some time later, Pirro said it was hard to believe that Clinton's turnaround was a reality.

"It certainly can not be that you have become a recent disciple of law and order, since you have bypassed so many laws yourself as well as your clear disdain for truth and justice," she continued speaking directly with Clinton and the dripping voice. contempt.

Pirro then concluded that the so-called "change of heart" was in reality only a Clinton political gesture, which "wants to strengthen its base".

"The woman is simply desperate," Pirro continued.

Finally, after claiming that there was talk of a race at Clinton in 2020, Pirro concluded: "Hillary, the only place you need to go back into the woods."

Look above, via Fox News

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