"She is a class law. You are not ": the attacks on the families make rise N.Y. Race of the governor


Since Ms. Lee and Mr. Cuomo are not married, the Governor is not required to register on his financial disclosure forms. Mr. Cuomo, 60, divorced Kerry Kennedy in 2005; he is technically single, although he declares sharing the expenses related to tourist taxes and property taxes with Ms. Lee, his partner for more than ten years.

Mr. Molinaro's family is in a much lower tax bracket: he earns about $ 140,000 as the county executive and claims that his wife's total income at Tinkelman, for his relationships public and his work on social networks, amounted to about $ 80,000 over three years.

"She played no role in the administration of the company, nor in advocating for contracts with the government," he said.

In addition to the county contracts, the Cuomo campaign also highlights a series of small campaign donations that Mr. Molinaro received from Tinkelman executives – just under $ 7,000 during his political career – as well as a number of donations. a series of sales, mortgages and real estate. Tax exemptions received by the company, through the Dutchess County Industrial Development Agency, as part of a multipurpose development project in Poughkeepsie, approved in June 2015.

That's about the time Ms. Adams was hired, although the company's managing director, Steven Tinkelman, said the grants had been around for a long time, called standard development incentives, an argument repeated by Mr. Adams. Molinaro.

Mr. Tinkelman, who paid $ 1,000 to Mr. Molinaro's campaign in July, said Ms. Adams was a good employee. "We are very proud of the work she has done," he said, highlighting his work on the company's website and on the Facebook page. "She is obviously qualified."

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