She knocked over Trump's bike. Now she runs for the office.


Juli Briskman, the cyclist who made headlines last fall for hijacking President Donald Trump's motorcade, made her first foray into politics with a bid for a local office in Northern Virginia.

Briskman, Marketing Manager, ad On Wednesday, she filed papers in 2019 as the Democratic Supervisor for Algonkian District in Loudoun County, where she raised her middle finger at the presidential motorcade in October as she was leaving the Trump National Golf Club.

"Those who know me know that I'm not one to sit back," wrote Briskman, 51, on his crowdfunding campaign page. "It's all about advocating for a cause, like our First Amendment rights to protest peacefully against Trump's administration policies, or to ensure that our children and our teachers have all the chances of succeeding, I do not go back No, true. "

Briskman hopes to overthrow Suzanne M. Volpe, a Republican currently representing the Algonkian District, as part of an effort to make the Loudon County Board of Directors blue. The council currently has a 6-3 Republican majority.

The race enthusiast and passionate community volunteer said she had not considered applying for a public position until her viral moment in October – and she was then fired from her job at Akima, a contracting public company, as a result of this.

Briskman sued Akima in April and earned his severance pay application. His prosecution for unfair dismissal was dismissed.

"We have the right to peacefully protest and criticize and express our dissent to our government," she told the Washington Post on Tuesday.

"I have received comments that people should respect the president," she continued. "Even if you do not like what they do, you should not show that kind of disdain. And I just do not agree and I think the Constitution gives me this privilege.

Juli Briskman makes a gesture with his middle finger while the procession of President Donald Trump passes in October 2017.


Juli Briskman shows his middle finger while the procession of President Donald Trump passes in October 2017.

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