"She stole her all her life": a family of Largo, two years murdered, pleads for justice


LARGO, Fla. – The two-year-old grandmother and grand aunt of Jordan Belliveau plead for justice now that the child's mother is imprisoned for fabricating a complex story to cover up the murder of her son.

Largo's police officers say the lies Charisse Stinson talked about triggered a state-wide Amber Alert.

The detectives say that Stinson has not cried or displayed remorse since she admitted to having invented lies to cover up what had really happened to her son.

Jessica Belliveau, Jordan's grandmother says she's devastated.

"My heart breaks and it's a pain that I can not even describe," she said through tears.


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Belliveau says that she is furious to learn how her grandson spent the last moments of her life.

"She stole her all her life," she added, her voice cracking with emotion.

Stinson, 21, admitted to the detectives that she had hit her two-year-old son Jordan, causing him to fall into a wall and make him suffer epileptic fits. She also told the detectives that she had moved her body to a wooded area near McMullen Road and Lake Avenue in Largo.

Yet, instead of telling the truth, the investigators said she had invented a complicated story that she and her son had been swept away by a stranger who had hit her and left her unconscious before removing Jordan.

"The detectives felt that some parts of their story may not have been true, but at the same time we are trying to find a missing child," Randy Chaney of the Largo Police Department said Wednesday.

"She took everything from my son and I hope the judge will take it all," said Belliveau with conviction.

Family members tell ABC Action News that they have volunteered several times to help with Jordan's care. "She could have given the baby to the family. Why would you do that? "Ask Jordan's big aunt, Nakieshia Pressley.

Now, Jordan's paternal family has new concerns. They say that Stinson is 5 months pregnant with a little girl.

"She's not going to get the chance to hurt this one as she hurt the last one. I'm going to hell first, "exclaimed Jessica Belliveau.

On Wednesday, a judge decided not to fix the amount of bail for the Stinson murder, which means she has no chance of getting out of jail.

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