"She wants justice, of course" – Kathryn Mayorga's lawyer in the Cristiano Ronaldo case for sexual assault


The former model Kathryn Mayorga, who has filed a civil lawsuit against Cristiano Ronaldo, has been questioned several times by law enforcement officials and plans to further cooperate with the investigation, according to his lawyer, who wants to get justice.

The Las Vegas Police Department has also reopened the investigation into this case dating back to 2009.

Mayorga, who is still on active treatment after being diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder after the incident, would have been encouraged by the recent #MeToo move, according to ESPN.
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"His decision to pursue the case is important," said lawyer Leslie Stovall at a press conference Wednesday. "She is defending herself now.
"She wants justice, of course," said Stovall, when asked what Mayorga wanted to get from this lawsuit. "She would not want to be the person who has been living with this for eight or nine years."

Ronaldo has twice denied social media charges, and last year his lawyers dismissed an article in the German press center Der Spiegel, who had for the first time recounted the incident.

Der Spiegel's report was built with the help of documented documents obtained from Football Leaks.

The Juventus striker first went on Instagram and, during a live session, called the allegations "false news" before posting a statement on Twitter in which he said that people wanted to become "famous" by exploiting its celebrity status.

"I strongly deny the charges against me," said Ronaldo. "Rape is an abominable crime that goes against all that I am and in which I believe."

"As clever as I can be to erase my name, I refuse to feed the media show created by people seeking to promote themselves at my expense. [sic] will allow me to wait with tranquility the results of all investigations. "

The former model, in her lawsuit against the footballer, described the incident in detail and the emotional upheaval caused by Ronaldo's team that stuck her in a quick settlement.

Suffering from debilitating emotional distress, the lawsuit, Mayorga finally signed a $ 375,000 settlement agreement that she never had to talk about interactions that she could have had with Ronaldo.

His current lawyers, who were not involved in this settlement, are now saying that the agreement should be rescinded.

The Mayorga lawyer also said that there were questions about the nature of the investigation conducted by the police in the case.

"I have found no explanation for the inability of the Metropolitan Police Department to continue this investigation," he said. "I do not know why, but I'm curious to know."

Referring to the possibility of a monetary settlement, Stovall said: "In our legal system, you can not give back what it has lost .I would like us to be able to do it. Would like us to say: "What happened on June 13, 2009 did not happen."

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