Shoot – Em-Up Formulaic Fails Audience and Star – Rolling Stone


Whatever Liam Neeson can do, Jennifer Garner can do better. At least, that's the premise of this hilarious and incredibly hard-to-swallow thriller Taken director Pierre Morel. It seems that the only people who will be taken by this scam of poor quality are the public. Pepper mint Garner starred in Riley North, an overworked Los Angeles football mom who became vigilant when her husband (Jeff Hephner) and her young daughter (Cailey Fleming) were shot dead by members of a drug cartel. The killers are released through a corrupt justice system, paid for by King Diego Garcia (Juan Pablo Raba), and Peppermint – North sold Girl Scout cookies. – is on the road to revenge. After five years of ninja-style training, she returns to Los Angeles to seek justice for her family killed.

The fans of Garner (count me) hailed to see the actress return to the form of kicks and prisoners she presented in Alias, the television series of J.J. Abrams who ran from 2001 to 2006 and played Garner as an international spy Sydney Bristow. Since then, it's mostly the healthy way in the movies of Juno at Love, simon who pile up his lowest instincts and spread his inner bag.

So you look Pepper mint eager to see Garner – on the heels of his very public separation from Ben Affleck, back in combat form and ready to rock – let him rip a bones grinder rated R. And then, splat, the scenario the knocked off a relentless volley of clichés. Garner said she was attracted to the film because it focused on a mother who became an avenging angel. But what is the message there? And what's going on with the bad guys who are mostly Latinos tattooed without a trace of character distinction?

Pepper mint dissolves into a series of absurd sequences in which thugs line up so North can hit, stab, shoot or blow them up. North also demonstrates his expertise in healing his own wounds by sewing with a stapler. Ouch! Meanwhile, neither the police nor the cartel's supporters can stop this one-woman army, which even manages to lock three of its family's killers on a Ferris wheel, without detecting them. (Of course, social media greet her as a hero.) The other actors are mostly straw dogs, who are waiting for the treatment of peppermint. It seems to hurt John Gallagher, Jr. (The press roomJim Harper), to be trapped in the role of the stereotypical detective LAPD. John Ortiz as a partner and Annie Ilonzeh as the boss of the FBI seem similar.

After two hours of barrage by this dreck painting by numbers, you will also feel dead inside. Although Neeson's male stars at Bruce Willis have been riding the same sauce train for several decades, Garner has the talent to do more. She needed the support of the filmmakers. But what did she have? A facsimile of the revenge movie that she so deserved. There is no reason for the public to accept it.

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