Shouting in a theater, it's like winning a liberal merit badge


According to the narrative, Democrats are motivated in 2018 because President Donald Trump has made America a less tolerant place where decorum is non-existent and anger is palpable.

So now, the answer is a liberal version of the intolerance and outrage in spiffy videos made for Facebook?

And the Democrats are wondering why they do not win the elections.

The harassment of Attorney General Pam Bondi in a Tampa movie theater on Friday night was a sad example of the moral outrage of today. In one way or another, it seems to fit our new era of reality: television policy.

It's not that Bondi deserves sympathy. She does not do it. As the chief responsible for state law enforcement, she repeatedly chose to represent the Florida Republican Party over the Florida residents. His hyper-politicization of his work has made him as unfriendly as an elected official can be.

But explain to me what one shoots insults shouted into a theater hall?

Apart from a visceral satisfaction for the confronted, this leads nowhere to the conversation. In fact, it makes the conversation more difficult.

This is what progressives today do not seem to understand. They believe that they occupy the moral pinnacle, and in one way or another that excuses their own sins and intolerance.

And they still do not understand that their holy and superior attitude is what makes otherwise easy-to-vote people vote for demagogues such as Trump.

Too many liberals act as if the petty condition of America had been imposed on them by the president and his followers. Sorry, but that's not how it works.

In an election nation, you get the country you deserve. And now, these are the leaders we have chosen.

If you believe in another type of America, then you must make a compelling case for your vision. And you do not do that by screaming in a restaurant or a movie theater. You are certainly not doing this by degrading Conservative voters by insisting that their values ​​are backward.

We have already seen where Tat Tat will take us. The president looks forward to these opportunities to tell his Twitter followers that Democrats are once again belittling Conservative voters.

And these voters are so caught up in ridiculous battles on social media that they are not paying attention to tax cuts that do not benefit them, or the rates that hurt them or the health lawsuits that could possibly kill them. If the Democrats want to attract the attention of America, they might want to start there.

Instead, too many people want to unite with each other in the roar of insults and accusations. We do not stop long enough to realize that the main cause of indignation is reciprocal indignation.

If you want a historical equivalent, consider the words of Martin Luther King, Jr .: "The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a downward spiral, engendering the very thing that it seeks to destroy," Reverend King wrote in his latest version. book Where are we going from here.

You do not have to keep silent and you do not have to agree.

But if you want to change the world, it's better to engage in something more meaningful than Twitter burns and self-promotional Facebook videos.

No, I'm not sorry for Pam Bondi. I do not celebrate his executioners either.

Instead, I deplore the loss of dignity in America.

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