Showtime cancels my death here


I'm dying hereAfter two seasons, the network canceled Showtime's apparently oxymoron drama on stand-up comedians. The series, a historical drama set in the late 70's on the comedy scene in Los Angeles, featured a group of actors and real actors, led by Melissa Leo as a comedy matriarch. And although it never appeared, the series was produced by Jim Carrey, who has since played in his own showtime comedy drama, Joke.

Based on William Knoedelseder's fiction book of the same name, I'm dying here cast a rather gloomy look at the world of comedians, often relying on the idea that the funniest people in the audience were also the most disconcerted. As proof, the series began with the comedian's suicide (played by Sebastian Stan), who had just realized the "dream" of each stand on the series: to win a place on Carson and be invited to take place after finishing their set . With its recurring theme, the series spent two seasons with a group of promising actors as they made their living doing what they loved, even as their personal lives were torn apart (sometimes).

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Despite the presence of an Oscar winner (Leo) and the name of Carrey as executive producer, the series is struggling to find its audience. This did not help the critics not to have passed the moon with the first series, which, for many, failed in the field that it should have excelled: to be funny. In the end, writing good support for a TV show on the stand-up is a pretty difficult task, and therefore, I'm dying here lost some of the authenticity that he could have leveraged and create a solid audience with.

The second season of the series showed signs of improvement as it focused less on comic book routines and more on the ups and downs of the entertainment industry. Cassie Feder of Ari Graynor missed his big debut on television and Clark Duke's Ron Shack is self-destructing after winning an epic concert on a sitcom starring a recurring Steve Urkel character whose the popularity was greater than that of the series in which he participated. .

Nevertheless, it seems that the changes were not enough to attract a wider audience or to encourage Showtime to keep the series for the third season. Fans of the series may be able to find the elements they liked in I'm dying here with Carrey mentioned above Joke, and in 2019, when Showtime releases another drama comedy of the time, Black Monday featuring Don Cheadle.

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I'm dying here Seasons 1 and 2 are available on Showtime or Showtime Anytime.

Source: Variety

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