Sign in arms, the hand could show that breast cancer has progressed: research


Sign in arms, the hand could show that breast cancer has progressed: research

September 8, 2018 – 12:57 AMT

PanARMENIAN.Net – The symptoms of breast cancer may be similar to those of less common conditions, but if you have any of the signs, it is important to check with your doctor because the disease affects one in eight women at a time of his life.

The most common symptom of breast cancer is a piece. But it should be noted that the majority of breast lumps are benign and non-cancerous.

A change in the size, shape or feel of a breast, breast pain, skin changes and leakage of nipple fluid are other signs to watch for.

But if breast cancer becomes advanced, other areas of the body can be affected. A sign that the disease has developed is swelling of the arm or hand, called lymphoedema.

Breast Cancer Care explains:lymphedema is a swelling caused by an accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the body's surface tissues.

"This can occur as a result of lymphatic system damage due to surgery or radiation therapy in the lymph nodes located under the arm (armpit) and in the surrounding area.

"Sometimes lymphedema can be caused by blockage of the lymphatic system by cancer cells."

Other symptoms may occur if the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes: a swelling or swelling under the armpit and a size or swelling of the breast or collarbone bone .

One of the first places where breast cancer can spread is formed by the lymph nodes located under the arm on the same side as breast cancer. This is not an advanced cancer.

Breast cancer can also spread to the bones and cause pain or pain in the affected bone or weakened bone more prone to break or fracture.

Cancer Research UK adds, "Sometimes, when the bones are damaged by advanced cancer, the bones release calcium, not blood.

This is called hypercalcemia and can cause various symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, constipation, irritability, thirst and confusion.

The liver, lungs and brain are the other parts of the body where cancer spreads in the advanced stages.

The causes of breast cancer are not fully understood, but there are some treatments to reduce the risk of developing the disease.

Regular exercise and a healthy and balanced diet are recommended for all women because they can help prevent many diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and many forms of cancer.

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