Sigur Ros Drummer resigns from the band after the raping surfaces – Rolling Stone


Sigur Rós announced on Monday that the group had "accepted the resignation" of drummer Orri Páll Dýrason as a result of rape charges against Dýrason that surfaced last week.

"As a result of the extremely serious and personal charges against him in recent days, we have accepted the resignation of our group member, Orri Páll Dyrason, in order to allow him to deal with this case in private," he said. said in a statement Sónon Rós, Jónsi and Goggi on Facebook.

Dýrason joined the Icelandic band in 1999 before recording Sigur Rós' (). A representative of the target group Rolling stone to the group's Facebook statement.

Dýrason's resignation comes just days after Meagan Boyd, a Los Angeles-based artist, claimed on a deleted Instagram post that Dýrason "raped me twice during a night spent recording a album with him ".

"This is the first time today that I really wanted to cry, while I pushed back and repressed my trauma for years. His name is Orri Páll Dýrason and he is part of a group called Sigur Rós, "wrote Boyd.

In his original Instagram article since, Boyd claimed that the assaults took place in January 2013 in Los Angeles while the group recorded his latest album. kveikur. "I never reported it," wrote Boyd. "I have never expressed my grief publicly. I've been suffering from this pain now for almost 6 years … for many reasons. I felt that nobody would believe me. I felt that I had been irresponsible to trust him simply because he was in a group that I loved and respected him as an artist.

"I also engaged in a kiss before falling asleep in the same bed, after which I completely knocked her out," she said. "I woke up with the feeling of being penetrated without my consent during a deep sleep. It happened twice that night and I wondered why I was not leaving after the first time – but I was drunk, tired of death, in shock. … But none of this should count because nobody deserves to be raped / touched / licked / fucked without CONSENT. Boyd said she was inspired by the publicity of her claims following the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford against Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh.

Boyd added that previous Instagram articles on the alleged rape, which she said showed that evidence of the incident came in the form of a correspondence between Boyd and Dýrason, had been reported and removed from # 39; Instagram. Boyd also said that she "was also looking to speak with a lawyer – this story is starting to take hold and a hype, and legal advice would be appreciated."

"I never felt comfortable going out because I did not really want to be known for that," Boyd said. Rolling stone. "I just felt that it was my duty to speak up and I found it strange when I discovered that he was engaged to a feminist activist." It was not fair to think that I had this experience and that he lives there pretending to be a feminist. At that time, I knew I had to step forward and the courage of Dr. Blasey Ford helped me give an extra boost. "

Dýrason published his own statement on Facebook where he explained his decision to leave Sigur Rós and defend himself against the allegations.

"It is undeniable that this case has hit me in recent days. Some will say, rightly, and I do not intend to argue with these people, "wrote Dýrason. "However, I sincerely ask the same people to direct their anger on the right path and refrain from coaching my family, and especially my wife, in this matter. At the same time, I ask people to stay calm and not be divided into two armies in conflict, it is not legal proceedings, but the words of Meagan against mine, on the Internet. Strong and provocative words do not favor anyone – neither for me nor for her.

Dýrason added, "Given the magnitude of this case, I decided to leave Sigur Rós. It's a difficult decision for me, but I can not let these serious allegations influence the group and the important and magnificent work that has been accomplished in recent years. A job that is so expensive. I will do everything in my power to get out of this nightmare, but out of respect for the people who are really suffering from sexual violence, I will not make this fight public. "

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