Sijara Eubanks lacks weight, shrugs


It's not really the right time to lose weight in the UFC, but let's just say that the circumstances surrounding the lack of 1.2 lb of Sijara Eubanks at this morning's weigh-in were … interesting.

And we will use "interesting" as the descriptor of the reaction of the Eubanques on this subject too.

As we all know, Eubanks (3-2 MMA, 1-0 UFC) initially faced Valentina Shevchenko at the head of UFC 230, with the vacant 125-pound title. People were sympathetic to the Eubanque public – understandably – when it was taken away from them, but this feeling changed when "Sarj" failed to set the 126-pound limit at the unorganized meeting. she had against Roxanne Modafferi.

The question many were asking on Twitter was: what if she had finally got this title fight?

It does not help that Eubanks has had a hard time losing weight – even when she had the first chance to win the 125-pound title at The Ultimate Fighter 26 Final against Nicco Montano. The Eubanks, whose weight had been a subject treated in the house "TUF", were hospitalized before the fight, allowing Modafferi to intervene.

In light of all this, what can one say?

Well, Eubanks decided to let the emojis talk. (via Twitter)

In his responses, which were for the most part as friendly as you imagine, a more friendly Twitter user said "you know they're about to spend a busy day with you" and said wished then that she organizes "a sacred broadcast". hide the cup. What did Eubanks answer, this time with words (via Twitter)

Lol they have a day on the ground anyway, imma bust ass tomorrow

"Sarj" proved that she could gain weight when she met – and defeated – Lauren Murphy at UFC Fight Night 131. A win, especially convincing, over Modafferi could put her reasonably in. track to meet the winner of a title UFC 231 fight between Shevchenko and Joanna Jedrzejczyk. But the missed opportunity this morning will make things a little more troublesome with regards to its octagonal future.

To learn more about UFC 230, check out the UFC Rumors section of the site.

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