Simple aerobic exercise is one of the best ways to recharge your brain while working


More than just brain-related exercises and breaks during work hours, it's exercise that can help improve your concentration, recharge your brain and keep it energized.

Our working memory is what allows us to keep and update the information in their brain about things they are working on, such as homework, goals and strategies.

Simple aerobic exercise is one of the best ways to recharge your brain during work

"The present study suggests that simple exercise is preferable to cognitively demanding exercise during working hours" Lead author Keita Kamijo, an assistant professor at the Faculty of Sport Sciences at Waseda University in Tokyo, said: Reuters Health by email.

Studies have shown that Aerobic exercise has a quick beneficial effect on people's ability to plan, pay attention, remember and juggle tasks. Researchers were therefore expecting to see improvements in accuracy and reaction time on the working memory challenge after the two periods in which men exercised on the bike, Kamijo said.

The positive effects of the intervention on exercise only became evident 30 minutes after cardiovascular exercise.

Simple aerobic exercise is one of the best ways to recharge your brain during work

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    But the intervention of exercise-cognition has resulted in a "cognitive fatigue" the investigators reported in the newspaper, Medicine and science in sport and exercise. Kamijo said that the effects of acute exercise on cognitive function should not differ greatly between the sexes.

    Dr. John Ratey, clinical associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School in Boston, said: Reuters Health by telephone, "We've known for a while that exercise improves working memory … The bottom line is that too much exercise can drain your brain for a little while.

    To improve your memory and short-term attention at work or school, it is best to do exercises that are not complicated by other demands, said Ratey, who did not participate in the research.

    Simple aerobic exercise is one of the best ways to recharge your brain during work

    Tai Chi, yoga, or high-intensity intervals that increase your heart rate are examples of cognitively-stimulating exercises that can overwhelm the brain in the beginning. said Ratey.

    For long-term cognition, however, these types of exercises are also healthy. "It is possible that a greater amount of load on the brain is needed for chronic improvements in cognitive function, as is the case with the overload principle of strength training" said Kamijo.

    Ratey said: "About 80 to 90% of people will be more excited, less tired, more energized and more motivated if they are used to exercising. The more they become involved with others and face challenges, the better they will build the brain over time and improve their memory, attention span and ability to deal with stress.

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