Simpsons does not intend to withdraw or remake Apu, says Matt Groening


Matt Groening – Creator of The Simpsons – says that it was not There are no plans for the Apu character to be re-cast with an actor of Indian ancestry, or be completely removed from the show. This announcement comes despite a widespread protest about the character of Apu based on a racial stereotype, and the willingness of the actor Hank Azaria (who calls Apu) to step down to quit. another actor can play the role

. Release of The Problem with Apu – a documentary written and hosted by actor and comedian Hari Kondabolu. The film interviewed several important actors of Indian and South Asian descent, who had complaints of racism while growing up and while working in Hollywood because of Apu's character. This ranges from verbal intimidation, with the name "Apu" used as a taunt, to casting agents and directors asking them to "speak more like Apu " even if they already had an accent natural Indian. This eventually culminated in filmmaker Adi Shankar (the most famous for his series Bootleg Universe ) by organizing a writing contest for writers aspiring to solve "the problem with Apu" by writing an episode of The Simpsons

Related: How Adi Shankar Would Repair Apu in the Simpsons

The Wrap reports that Groening was quick to change the subject when It is questioned on The problem with Apu, during his press tour for his next animated series Netflix Disenchantment . Groening said that he and the current producers of the show " did not talk about it " and that he was " proud of everything we do on The Simpsons." "Groening similarly rejected the Demonstrators in an earlier interview with USA Today, stating that" people like to pretend to be offended . "

Groening's comments seem contrary to The Simpsons producer Mike Reiss's previous statements, stating in a recent interview on Morning Joe that the producers of the show were aware of the problems posed by Apu three years ago, to that end, Apu had already been largely removed from the show and only made non-language cameo appearances following the 2016 episode "Much Apu About Something." This episode aired almost two years before The problem with Apu was released, and before 19459011 The Simpsons disastrously tried to solve the problem in season 29 "No Good Read Goes Unpunished." 1 9659007] Apu character problems are not easy to solve. It can not be denied that the character began as a stereotype of Indian immigrants to the United States, and that his name was used as a racial insult by bigots. Similarly, Apu was one of the first supportive characters on The Simpsons who was developed into a well-rounded character, and continued to reprimand those same stereotypes. Advocates of Abu emphasized that his story is that of the classic American immigrant, who is trying to give back to the country and the community that has given him so much. They point to Apu as one of the few people ever morally and competently on The Simpsons being a successful businessman, a dedicated husband, father, devout religious and volunteer firefighter.

No matter how one feels About Apu, Groening's comments seem likely to only pour the essence on the fires of the controversy. For Groening and the producers of The Simpsons the question is already settled. For Hari Kondabolu Adi Shankar, and others bothered by the character, this is not the case. The only certainty in all this is that "the problem with Apu" will not be solved to the mutual satisfaction of both sides anytime soon.

More: The Simpsons responded to the Apu controversy erroneously

The Simpsons First of Season 30 September 30 on Fox

Source: The Wrap

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