Sinead O 'Connor, now known as Shuhada & Davitt, never wants to be with whites again


After her conversion to Islam, Sinead O'Connor no longer wants to be surrounded by whites – whom she called "disgusting" and who seemed to be thinking of including all non-Muslims.

The 51-year-old singer, now known as Shuhada 'Davitt, even admitted that the feeling she was about to express on Tuesday is racist.

"I'm terribly sorry, what I'm going to say is so racist that I never thought my soul could feel it, but in reality I never want to spend time with whites again (if you call it nonsense "Muslims.) Not a moment, for some reason, they're disgusting," she wrote on Twitter.

Ms. O'Connor, who tore up the pope's photo at "Saturday Night Live" and was also a priestess in a dissident "Catholic" sect, then dared to challenge Twitter for her ban on anti-white racism.

"Interesting to see if Twitter forbids this when it allows people like Trump and Milbank to spread satanic grime on even my country," she wrote.

In a flurry of tweets later Tuesday, O'Connor also said that Christian theologians were "atheists and satanists in practice, even if they did not know it."

Ms. O'Connor spoke openly about suicide and her mental health issues, a fact she acknowledged in her last tweet on Tuesday morning that she pinned her hair.

"Final word. If his "crazy" care. Then, of course, give me a spanking and call me fruity curls, "she writes with a small symbol.

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