Singing can reduce stress, improve motor function for people with Parkinson's disease


Elizabeth Stegemöller leads a group of people with Parkinson's disease. Her latest research shows singing can lower stress and improve motor symptoms. Credit: Iowa State University

Iowa State University researchers, Iowa State University researchers.

The results of the pilot study revealed improvements in mood and motor symptoms, and reduced physiological indicators of stress. Elizabeth Stegemöller, an assistant professor of kinesiology, cautions this is preliminary data, but says the improvements among singing participants are similar to the benefits of taking medication. She presented the work at the Society for Neuroscience 2018 conference.

"We know they are feeling better and their mood is elevated," Stegemöller said. "Some of the symptoms that are improving, such as finger tapping and the gait, do not have sufficient response to medication, but with singing they are improving."

Stegemöller, Elizabeth "Birdie" Shirtcliff, associate professor in human development family studies; and Andrew Zaman, a graduate student in kinesiology, measured heart rate, blood pressure and cortisol levels for 17 participants in a therapeutic singing group. Participants also reported feelings of sadness, anxiety, happiness and anger. Data was collected prior to and following a one-hour singing session.

This is one of the first studies to look at how singing affects heart rate, blood pressure and cortisol in people with Parkinson's disease. All three levels have been reduced, but Stegemöller says with the preliminary data the measures did not reach statistical significance. There were no significant differences in happiness or anger after class. However, participants were less anxious and sad.

Why does singing work?

The results are encouraging, but researchers still have a big question to tackle: what is the mechanism leading to these behavioral changes? They are now analyzing blood samples to measure levels of oxytocin (a hormone related to bonding), changes in inflammation (an indicator of the progression of the disease) and neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain to compensate for injury or disease) to determine if these factors can explain the benefits of singing.

"Part of the reason is that cortisol is going down because the participants are feeling positive and less stressful in the act of singing with others." This suggests we can look at the bonding hormone, oxytocin, "Shirtcliff said. "We are also looking at heart rate and heart rate variability, which we are calm and physiologically relaxed after singing."

The research builds on the team 's previous findings that is an effective treatment for improving respiratory control and the muscles used for swallowing in people with Parkinson' s disease. The prevalence of Parkinson's disease is expected to double over the next 20 years. ISU researchers say therapeutically, with the potential to provide an affordable and effective treatment for patients with Parkinson's disease.

In this video from 2017, Stegemöller leads a group of people with Parkinson's disease:

Explore further:
Singing may be good medicine for Parkinson's patients

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Iowa State University

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