Sinwar denies knowing that the interview was for an Israeli newspaper


L & # 39; interview
Yahya Sinwar, Hamas leader in Gaza, Yedioth Ahronoth and La Repubblica, has been criticized in the Gaza Strip and has raised suspicion and skepticism in Israel.

Sinwar, who was shot in Gaza for agreeing to give an interview to an Israeli newspaper, said Italian journalist Francesca Borri had asked to interview him for La Repubblica and the British Guardian, without making any mention of it. of Yedioth Ahronoth.

He also claimed that the interview was not done in person, but by correspondence, the journalist having asked questions and received answers.

Sinwar with Italian journalist Francesca Borri

Sinwar with Italian journalist Francesca Borri

However, Sinwar knew in advance that the interview would be published in Yedioth Ahronoth, and even sent a message directly to the Israeli public.

In addition, the Hamas leader and his organization know Borri through his previous articles published in Yedioth Ahronoth and covering the Gaza Strip.

Finally, photos published in Yedioth Ahronoth show Sinwar with Borri in his Gaza office, showing that the interview took place face-to-face.

In Israel, opinions were divided about the interview.

"Sinwar looks like a lucid man who knows exactly what needs to be done and I think he does not want wars, but he's not alone in the Palestinian arena," Batya said. Holin, who lives in Kfar Aza. located on the border of the band. "Unfortunately, on our side, I do not see anyone who has any strategy."

The mayor of Sderot, Alon Davidi, whose city is under constant threat of rocket fire from Gaza, said that he did not believe a word of Sinwar.

"Sinwar's words are absurd, he blames everyone for the situation of the residents of Gaza except himself," Davidi criticized. "The hudna (truce) of which Sinwar speaks will only happen after its elimination and that of the Hamas leaders in Gaza."

Shaar HaNegev, President Alon Schuster, whose regional council is also threatened with rockets, said that "Sinwar's words demonstrate the pragmatism of Hamas leaders."

"Israel has the responsibility to lead – with the international community – an initiative that would give residents of the band a basis for life," he said.

Israeli politicians have mostly responded to the interview with skepticism.

Housing and Construction Minister Yoav Galant quoted Chazal as saying "the best among snakes, crush his head …", adding that "Sinwar is a venomous snake trying to disguise himself as an innocent sheep. ".

Zionist Union MP Ayelet Nahmias-Verbin accused Sinwar of "playing" (with ten different votes), saying that "if he is looking for peace, only actions aimed at soothing tensions will prove it, not empty declarations ".

The Zionist Union MP Leah Fadida said that "if the interview is an impressive journalistic feat, it also testifies to the total loss of deterrence," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.

This rare interview received wide coverage around the world, with all news agencies and major newspapers in Europe, the United States and the Middle East.

The Washington Post article about the interview was titled "The Hamas Leader gave a rare interview to an Israeli newspaper, then said he was fooled," pointing out that Hamas denied know that the interview had been written for an Israeli newspaper.

Borri reportedly stated in the Post that Palestinians "know that my work is translated into Hebrew and that they know that, thanks to me, they can reach Israel, I am totally transparent."

The French newspaper Libération has questioned the denials of Hamas; pointing out that Sinwar himself has said that he wants to send a message to the Israelis in the interview.

The English newspaper The National, based in Abu Dhabi, reported the interview in an article titled "Hamas leader: I do not want more wars with Israel", while the Turkish press company TRT World stressed that the Aim of Hamas in this interview was to address directly to Israelis and described it as "Sinwar seizes the opportunity to seek peace."

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