Sir Alex Ferguson: Manchester United legend "nervous" on his return to Old Trafford | Football | sport


Ferguson left Manchester United in 2013 after 27 brilliant years at Old Trafford, with David Moyes, Louis van Gaal and Jose Mourinho since they were named.

The Scotsman, however, remains very present in furniture. A brain tumor did not stop him from enjoying football and today his return is drawing.

Ferguson will be present today while Manchester United will face the Wolves in the Premier League.

And the 76-year-old admitted to feeling nervous before his return.

"It's really good [to be back], He told MUTV.

"It was obviously a long trip but I take steps forward, doing what my son tells me and what the doctors tell me then, yes, it's really good.

"I'm a little nervous, to be honest with you, maybe a little tense because the last match was Arsenal in April.

"It was long but it's great to be back and I just hope we have a win today.

"I do not miss that! [interviews] It's the pressure, to have these guys in the press with stupid questions!

"No, it's great to go back to the stadium and it's going to be very emotional for me when the game starts, things like that.

"It must have happened sometime and I was looking forward to it. It was important to get the right time and the good rest before coming to a match.

"It's inevitably emotional.

"Especially when I sit in the box. It will be something, you know.

"I'll be happy when it's over and the game starts and I can enjoy it."

Ferguson also thanked the fans for their support.

"It's amazing, there were thousands of cards and they were still coming to Salford Royal Hospital," he said.

"I left at that time but they kept coming and kept coming. The number of e-mails, texts and personal cards at home, it was simply amazing. It was really.

"I am overwhelmed by her and overwhelmed by her.

"I think, if you remember, I made the message [through MUTV] to thank the people who took the time to send me messages.

"It was really important to do it. Some of the doctors are here [as special guests] who did the operation and thought it was the right thing to do.

"It's great to be back!

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