Six coffees a day can reduce the risk of premature death


Whether you like a trendy white dish or you prefer decaf, it's a new one that should leave you plenty of beans.

People who drink six cups of coffee a day are 16% less likely to die early. The reduced risk has been found for all types of coffee – including instant, decaffeinated or ground – suggesting that the benefits are not related to caffeine.

Scientists believe that natural antioxidants found in plant compounds can help protect against certain cancers. and cardiovascular diseases.

US researchers have examined mortality rates of nearly half a million Britons over a ten-year period compared to their coffee consumption. In general, the more mugs were drunk, the lower the chances of dying earlier from these diseases

which was six to seven cups, where rates dropped by one-sixth from those who never drank coffee.

. those who drink twice the recommended amount of four cups a day saw their chances of dying prematurely reduced by 14%, according to researchers at the National Cancer Institute of Maryland.

Coffee has surpassed tea as Britain's favorite beverage, with an estimated 5,500 million cups consumed each day.

The European Food Safety Agency advises that people do not drink more than four cups a day, saying those who run the risk of anxiety, insomnia, heart rhythm disorders or heart failure. Yet, the US results suggest that health benefits extend to the decaffeinated variety, without the caffeine traps.

The protective effect has also been identified in moderate and light coffee drinkers, but to a lesser extent. Two to five cups, one cup or less of a cup a day reduced early mortality respectively by 12, 8 and 6% during the same period.

The results were adjusted for lifestyle factors.

The findings, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, add to the growing evidence that coffee can be part of a healthy diet, say the authors.

In 2016, the World Health Organization withdrew its warnings on a link between coffee and bladder cancer and instead said the drink could help protect against cancer of the uterus and the uterus. liver. However, pregnant women are more likely to lose their baby if they drink too much coffee, and caffeine also slightly increases the risk of bone fractures in women.

Victoria Taylor, senior dietitian at the British Heart Foundation, said: It is worth noting that the study focused on the different types of coffee consumed, such as instant coffee, ground coffee and decaffeinated coffee.

"All types showed a lower risk of death by consuming more coffee, but more research is needed to understand"

Daily Mail

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