Six out of ten preventable deaths are caused by poor health care systems: Study- Technology News, Firstpost


Nearly six out of ten deaths due to treatable diseases in low- and middle-income countries result from poor quality health care – a cause of death greater than insufficient access to treatment, researchers said Wednesday.

According to a report published by the Commission, each year about five million people in these countries die from unsatisfactory care. The lancet medical journal.

This number was 8.6 million deaths from treatable diseases and far exceeds the 3.6 million deaths due to lack of access to health care.

Overall, deaths from treatable diseases cost the global economy some $ 6 trillion (€ 5.2 trillion) in 2015 alone, according to researchers , indicating "systematic deficits" in primary and hospital care.

"For too long, the global health discourse has focused on improving access to care without putting enough emphasis on quality care," said Muhammad Pate , co-author of the report of the Lancet Global Health Commission. -President.

"Providing health services without guaranteeing a minimum level of quality is inefficient, useless and unethical," he said, warning against a "broad epidemic of low quality care".

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Low quality care accounted for 84% of cardiovascular deaths, 81% of vaccine preventable diseases and 61% of postnatal complications.

Epidemic of bad care
In general, mothers and children in low- and middle-income countries received less than half of the recommended interventions – including blood pressure monitoring during birth and newborn tests.

According to the report, less than half of the suspected TB cases were properly managed and fewer than one in 10 people with major depressive disorder received even minimal treatment.

"Diagnoses are often incorrect for serious conditions" such as pneumonia, heart attacks or asphyxia of the newborn, a condition that can result in death by suffocation, he adds.

"Treatments can be too slow for conditions requiring quick action, thus reducing the chances of survival."

Among women receiving medical care during pregnancy, the richest were four times more likely to have urine and blood tests and to monitor their blood pressure.

According to the researchers, the highest cost was in India, where substandard health care was responsible for 1.6 million deaths per year.

"Quality care should not be the responsibility of the elite, nor an aspiration for the distant future, it should be the DNA of all health systems," said the co-chair of the commission, Margaret Kruk.

"Countries will know that they are on the path to quality and accountable health systems when health workers and policy makers choose to receive health care in their own public institutions."

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