Smartphones cause mental health problems in two-year-olds


The hours spent on smartphones and tablets have often been associated with a worsening of mental well-being, but new research claims that damage could begin in users as young as two years old.

After only an hour of screening, children and teens may have less curiosity, low self-control and emotional stability, which can increase the risk of anxiety and depression, according to a published US study. in the newspaper Preventive medicine reports.

The researchers found that people aged 14 to 17 were at greater risk for such side effects, but noted the correlations in younger children and toddlers, whose brains are still developing.

The study found that kindergarten children who frequently used screens were twice as likely to lose their temper.

He also said that 9% of people aged 11 to 13 who spent an hour a day on screens were not curious to learn new things.

The authors, Professor Jean Twenge, of the State University of San Diego, and Professor Keith Campbell, of the University of Georgia, said: "Half of the mental health problems are develop before adolescence.

"It is therefore absolutely necessary to identify the factors related to the mental health issues likely to intervention in this population because most antecedents are difficult, if not impossible to influence.

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"In relation to this more difficult history of mental health, the way children and adolescents spend their free time is more likely to change."

Both urge parents and teachers to reduce the amount of time children spend online, watch videos, or watch television to combat this.

The National Institute of Health says that young people spend an average of five to seven hours on screens during their free time.

Twenge, who has written extensively about the problems posed by the use of smartphones for kids, advises to impose a two-hour limit.

The study includes data on more than 40,000 children aged 2 to 17 in the United States, provided by parents for a national health survey conducted in 2016.

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