Smokers who spend time with vapers are more likely to try to quit smoking – study


New research suggests that smokers who regularly spend time with vapers are more likely to quit.

A study from University College London (UCL) found that smokers who frequently spent time with vapers, who smoked electronic cigarettes, were about 20% more likely to have recently attempted quit smoking and that they said they were motivated to stop smoking.

About one-quarter of smokers (25.8%) who participated in the study reported that they regularly used vapoters and about one-third (32.3%) had attempted to quit the previous year.

In comparison, about one-quarter (26.8%) of smokers who did not regularly use e-cigarettes tried to quit in the previous year.

Dr. Sarah Jackson, the lead author of the study, said her findings should lessen concerns about vaping.

She added, "It is becoming increasingly common for smokers to come in contact with vapers and there is concern that this may be a return to the normalization of smoking in England and that the motivation of smokers to quit is no longer normalized.

"Our results have found no evidence that spending time with vapers discourages smokers from quitting, which should help alleviate concerns about the broader impact of e-cigarettes on public health." . "

The study, funded by Cancer Research UK and published Wednesday in the academic journal BMC Medicine, used data provided by nearly 13,000 participants in the Smoking Toolkit, a research project on smoking habits in England.

E-cigarettes are about 95% less harmful than tobacco, according to Public Health England.

Study of smoking during pregnancyResearch suggests that smokers who regularly spend time with vapers are more likely to quit (PA)

Dr. Jackson added, "One of the key factors for these differences may lie in the fact that smokers regularly exposed to the consumption of electronic cigarettes by others are more likely to use them themselves. same.

"Considering the consumption of electronic cigarettes by smokers, the exposure of people using e-cigarettes seemed to have little impact on the motivation of smokers to quit and their recent attempt to quit smoking. smoking. "

Kruti Shrotri, Cancer Research UK's tobacco control expert, said, "There has not been a lot of evidence to determine if e-cigarettes could make tobacco seem normal again."

She added, "It is encouraging to see that mingling with people who sweat really encourages smokers to quit.

"As the number of people who use e-cigarettes to quit increases, we hope smokers who contact them will be encouraged to quit."

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