Smoking again the problem – do not vapot


Effective May 23, 2018, when the Tobacco and Vet Products Act received Royal Assent, it became unlawful at the federal level to supply or deliver vaping products to anyone under the age of 18. years in Canada (TVPA, part 8, section 8, section 9). ).

Reports and complaints can be filed with the Tobacco Control Directorate via their web page;

With the emphasis on the "dramatic" use of young people, we lose sight of what vaping is. Vaping is a harm reduction for smokers who can not or will not stop using nicotine for recreational purposes.

While we have been studying the harmful effects of smoking since the publication of the CRP London report "Smoking and Health" in 1962 (two full years before the report of the Surgeon General of our southern neighbors), we have had a period of lesser emulation. period. However, this does not mean that we do not have any information from reliable sources.

In its 2016 report entitled "Smoke-free Nicotine: Tobacco Harm Reduction", the Royal College of Physicians (London) said: "Although it is impossible to accurately quantify long-term health risks associated with e-cigarettes, the available data suggest that they should not exceed 5% of those associated with smoked tobacco products and could well be significantly lower than this figure. "

Other quotes from the key points part of the summary:

• "Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death and disability and social inequality in health in the UK".

• "Regulation is needed to reduce the direct and indirect negative effects of e-cigarette use, but this regulation should not significantly prevent the development and use of harm-reduction products by smokers."

Closer to home, from the Canadian Cancer Society: "Smokers who have tried other methods to stop smoking but who have not been successful could try the electronic cigarette. If this helps them to stay out of the cigarette, people who are unable to quit altogether would have a health benefit from using e-cigarettes in the longer term, if necessary. "

And finally, on Health Canada's own website: "Spraying is less harmful than smoking. Many toxic and carcinogenic chemicals found in tobacco and tobacco smoke are formed when tobacco is burned. "

"Sprayable products do not contain tobacco and do not burn or smoke. With the exception of nicotine, vaping products typically only contain a fraction of the 7,000 chemicals found in tobacco or tobacco smoke, and at lower concentrations. "

"The passage of tobacco cigarettes to vaping products will reduce a person's exposure to many toxic and carcinogenic chemicals."

I would like to end with two other quotes that we would do well to remember before throwing Aunt Gladys, the smoker, with the teenager in the bathwater:

"People smoke for nicotine, but they die of tar." – Prof. Michael Russell, 1976

"Smoking is the only legal consumer product that, when used as planned, will make half of all users disappear in the long run." – Scott Gottlieb, MD, October 19, 2017

Thomas Kirsop, General Manager, Alternatives & Options – Vapourizers and E-Liquids Ltd., operating in Morinville and St. Albert; Member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Electronic Cigarette Trade Association (ECTA)

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