The comedian Saturday Night Live, the "comedian" of Saturday Night Live, sparked controversy after launching a nasty joke against GOP congressional candidate and former Navy SEAL, Dan Crenshaw. The punchline? Crenshaw wears an eye patch after losing his right eye during an explosion of IED while serving in Afghanistan. It's a bit funny, apparently, for the liberals who write the jokes for SNL.
Davidson participated in a segment called "The Weekly Rundown", where SNL participants commented on what is supposedly humorous about the news. Davidson pointed out that he had noticed an unusual wave of "rude" candidates in this year's mid-term elections.
When Crenshaw's face appeared on the screen, the host said, "Oh, come on, guy," to Davidson. "Wait," Davidson replied. "You may be surprised to learn that he is a Texas Congress nominee and not a hitman in a porn movie. I'm sorry, I know that he lost an eye in the war or something else. "
Here's how Crenshaw really lost his eye and how he perseveres since he's been serving abroad:
During Dan's third deployment in 2012, his life changed forever. After six months of combat operations, Dan was hit by an EED explosion during a mission in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He was evacuated and woke up from his coma of medical origin upon learning that his right eye had been destroyed during the explosion and that his left eye was still present but severely damaged. Dan was completely blind and the doctors did not believe that he would ever see again. Tara stood by him every day and night, keeping faith and praying for him to see again. After several difficult surgeries, he finally recovered the sight of his left eye, a miracle according to the chief surgeon. Dan refused to resign and continued his deployment two more times, first in the Middle East in 2014, and then in South Korea in 2016.
Dan retired for medical reasons in September 2016 after ten years in the SEAL teams. He left the service with two bronze stars (one with Valor), the Purple Heart and the Naval Merit Medal with Valor, among many other distinctions. Shortly after, Dan completed his MA in Public Administration at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. In September of this year, he was back in Houston and volunteered for days in areas devastated by Hurricane Harvey. He saw firsthand the unthinkable losses suffered by his neighbors, but he also noted the courage and resistance of the Texans. He wanted to do more, and this November, Dan and Tara decided that the best way to serve Texas citizens would be to get elected.
The "joke" has been severely condemned by conservatives via Twitter.
It's disgusting. @DanCrenshawTX is a war hero and has lost his eye in the service of his country. SNL should be ashamed. # the university
– Michael McCaul (@McCaulforTexas) November 4, 2018
Dan Crenshaw was nearly blinded in 2012 after being hit by an explosion of FDI in the Afghan province of Helmand, where he was on his third deployment. He lost his right eye in the blast and his left eye was badly damaged.
Shame on you, @nbcsnlit's disgusting! pic.twitter.com/VQnhXMa6iT
– The Reagan Battalion (@ReaganBattalion) November 4, 2018
What a disrespectful little punk. Pajamas that mock men of true courage and patriotism always seem to be left
Their side makes them feel brave for hashtags on 37 genres and Grammy speeches about racism
Meanwhile, Crenshaw is a real hero kick in the ass https://t.co/p5waucVGO6
– Buck Sexton (@BuckSexton) November 4, 2018
Dan Crenshaw served for 10 years as a Navy SEAL. He received two bronze stars, a purple heart and the Navy's Merit Medal with Valor.
NBC owes him an apology, we owe him our support on Tuesday: https://t.co/F2amnCGoQB https://t.co/beLGi67UVr
– Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) November 4, 2018
Readers may remember that in September, Chevy Chase, one of SNL's greatest artists, criticized the current production of the series for her terrible humor.
"First of all, between you and me and a lamppost, damn it, I do not want to put a voice on Lorne or the cast, but I'll just say that, maybe off the record, I'm surprised that Lorne went so low I had to look at it a bit, and I just could not believe it … That means a whole generation of laughing fools were making fun of the worst humor in the world … You see what I want say "How can you dare to give this generation a shit worse than it has ever done in his life? That drives me crazy, "Chase said. Washington Post.
It seems that Davidson proved that Chase was right, again. Davidson's "humor" can be seen below.
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