"SNL": Matt Damon plays Brett Kavanaugh during the Cold Open


Brett Kavanaugh loves beer. You know who else loves beer? Matt Damon's version of Brett Kavanaugh, who made his noisy applause debut on the first Saturday night of last season, broadcast Saturday night. the Judiciary Committee of the Senate following the accusation of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford that he had sexually assaulted her while they were in high school.

"Let me tell you that," Damon said, slamming his furious coping. "I'll start at 11 o'clock. I will take it in about 15 minutes. First of all, I showed this speech to almost no one – neither to my family, nor to my friends … it's my speech. There are others like that, but it's mine. I wrote it myself last night while I was shouting in an empty bag of Doritos.

During his multi-minute story, he displays a full range of emotions, ranging from anger to tears as he discusses the "work" he's enduring, as well as the "beautiful scary calendars" that Kavanaugh could not to refrain from speaking during the hearing. "I'm not going back, you sons of bitches," Damon said with open contempt. "I do not know the meaning of the word" stop! "

Asked by Rachel Dratch's version of Senator Amy Klobuchar if he has already drunk too much, Mr. Damon answered one of his funniest answers: "You mean, I was cool? Yeah."

Most of the time, he's just angry. "Am I angry? You're absolutely right, but if you think I'm angry now, wait until I sit on the Supreme Court because you're all going to pay, "he says. Suddenly, the skit does not seem so funny anymore, but you can still look at the set below.

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