"Snow White" forbidden to her daughters because of a stolen kiss


"Snow White" should it be used as a lesson of consent for young minds? Kirsten Bell thinks so. Instagram / Amberarden

The "Frozen" star, Kristen Bell, believes that the 1812 fairy tale written by the Grimm brothers gives a lesson in consent.

Irish-American actress "Frozen" Kristen Bell criticized the Grimm Brothers' fairy tale 1812 "Snow White" for allowing a man (the Prince) to kiss a sleeping girl.

Speaking with Parents magazine, Bell explained to her daughters that she liked to read, but that "Snow White" did not fit.

She told the parent magazine that in the case of "Snow White", Bell used it to teach girls a lesson on consent and discussion with strangers.

Bell explained, "Every time we close Snow White, I look at my daughters and ask them.

"Do not you think it's strange that the prince is kissing Snow White without his permission?"

Bell says that she asked her daughters. "Because you can not kiss someone while he's sleeping!"

Kristen Bell thinks Snow White tells kids the wrong message about strangers and consent – US TODAY HUI https://t.co/jbFHXi23Ou pic.twitter.com/D61SBRw8OL

– Marc Johnson (@ marcjohnson0002) October 18, 2018

& # 39; You do not find it strange that Snow White did not ask the old witch why she needed to eat the apple? Where did she get this apple? I say, "I would never take food from a stranger, is not it?" And my kids are like: 'No! & # 39; And I thought, "Okay, I'm doing something right."

That's enough. In fact, one could even say that "Snow White" teaches a lesson of joyful naivety about the witch's turn. But this is not Bell's only argument with the classic fairy tale. This is the method by which Snow White comes out of its poisoned sleep that really annoys the actress.

Bell frames the scenario as if the prince had just joined a sleeping woman and decided to take advantage of her while in fact, her kiss saves her from the fate of an eternal sleep.

What do you think of Kirsten Bell's opinion of "Snow White"? Is it a step too far or is it absolutely right? Let us know in the comments section below.

"Snow White" should it be used as a lesson of consent for young minds? Kirsten Bell thinks so. Instagram / Amberarden

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