Social media hoax raises cybersecurity concerns | Local news


An outstanding Facebook scam is worrying users for their cybersecurity.

Many users reported this week that a "friend" had sent them a strange message. He reads something similar to this:

"Hi … In fact, I received another friend request yesterday … that I ignored, then you may want to check your account."

The message then asks the user to transfer the same message to other friends.

Many users fell in love with this message that looks like a chain of letters.

Facebook officials recommend visiting the friend's page to make sure it's not a clone of his real account. If you have received the message from a clone, report it immediately to Facebook.

Otherwise, ignore the message is recommended.

This hoax falls during National Cyber ​​Security Awareness Month.

The US Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber ​​Security Alliance have stated that October is dedicated to cybersecurity in the country. The effort aims to ensure that every American has the resources to stay safer and more secure online.

Homeland Security said that there were several ways to avoid being hacked. Two tips include using a stronger password on social networks and connecting only to secure Wi-Fi networks.

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