Society wants to pay you to eat pizza, promote the product


Imagine having $ 300 or, say, THOUSAND dollars, for every day you eat pizza. This could be your reality.

Ooni, an award-winning portable pizza oven company, is hiring pizza testers to literally eat Pizza as if it was their job. The Pizza Taste Tester Roles will be "a unique blend of recipe development, product testing and brand ambassadors – pizza, pizza and more pizza! according to the site.

To make the position even more dreamy, the tasters will work at home. Ooni will send the chosen testers an Ooni pizza oven, designed for outdoor cooking. All the ingredients needed to make the pizza will be covered by the company (and will not be charged on your daily rate).

As a pizza taste tester, you will have a lot of pizza-related responsibilities. You will help Ooni develop and test recipes and tests and provide feedback on new products. We are in 2018, so you will naturally share your experiences via social media and during live events.

The most important qualification for the position is "an enthusiasm for cooking and sharing food with your loved ones," says the Ooni website. If you have experience in preparing pizza dough and in baking pizzas, it's definitely a "big plus"!

According to Darina Garland, Ooni's, the full-time part-time position has a base rate of $ 300, suitable for a person who is a passionate cook who has not worked professionally and who understands how to manufacture and stretch his own dough. co-founder.

Beyond that, she says, they would be interested in raising the daily fee up to $ 1,000 "for truly exceptional candidates who have additional skills." Such skill sets can include "someone who is excellent at making pizzas while filming his own high quality content" or someone who has experience in pizza cooking and also participated in cooking demonstrations for large crowds.

"We believe keeping the daily rate open at a range of rates will ensure that we attract the whole gamut of people who cook their own pizza at home, from novices to professional pizza makers," says Garland. "What's really bothering us is seeing people's passion for pizza!"

Ooni notes that the daily rate is based on a working day from 9h to 17h with a lunch break. At a minimum, Ooni would like taste testers to work two days a month.

Ready to apply? Send Ooni a video (of a maximum of one minute and no more than 20 MB) explaining why you'd be great for the role and showing off your "epic pizza skills" at [email protected]. You can apply until Sunday, October 14, and Ooni will then contact the selected candidates.

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