SoftBank invests an additional $ 3 billion in WeWork


WeWork, the office company that works in the same sector, has grown rapidly over its eight years of life, thanks in part to the huge investments of Japan's SoftBank. On Tuesday, he got another big cash injection from his main investor.

WeWork announced that SoftBank has committed an additional $ 3 billion worth at least $ 42 billion. This is more than double the $ 20 billion WeWork achieved last fundraising more than a year ago and makes WeWork one of the most valuable privately funded companies to date. venture capital in America.

SoftBank injects the new money in exchange for an additional share purchase mandate in WeWork.

The agreement highlights the costs of the ambitious construction of the empire by WeWork. Not only is the company expanding rapidly around the world, but it is not limited to its core business of renting and reselling office space in education, apartments, etc.

The company said Tuesday that it had 297,000 offices available in 24 countries and planned to open more than 100,000 new offices for rent this quarter, the same amount as last year. WeWork said it generated a $ 1.25 billion business figure for the first nine months of 2018 and achieved a sales pace of more than $ 2 billion at the end of the year.

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